Thread Number: 78455  /  Tag: Modern Dishwashers
Cove dishwashers
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Post# 1024739   2/16/2019 at 00:41 (2,075 days old) by tolivac (greenville nc)        

Anyone here know about "Cove" dishwashers?They are part of the Subzero and Wolf group.Spotted the back cover ad in the March-April issue of Traditional Home magazine.

Post# 1024744 , Reply# 1   2/16/2019 at 00:57 (2,075 days old) by askolover (South of Nash Vegas, TN)        

askolover's profile picture

I looked at them on their website.  I thought they might possibly be built by Asko since SZ/Wolf are distributors for Asko now, but since reading this article I think they may build them themselves.


Here's a video.

Post# 1024754 , Reply# 2   2/16/2019 at 06:00 (2,075 days old) by appnut (TX)        

appnut's profile picture

I vaguely remember this being announced a couple of years ago at CES or KBIS and it is their own designed and produced product.  

Post# 1024761 , Reply# 3   2/16/2019 at 07:58 (2,075 days old) by appnut (TX)        

appnut's profile picture

Here's a link to announcement article on September, 2015


Post# 1024766 , Reply# 4   2/16/2019 at 08:07 (2,075 days old) by appnut (TX)        

appnut's profile picture

And December 2018 article


Post# 1024804 , Reply# 5   2/16/2019 at 12:10 (2,074 days old) by DADoES (TX, U.S. of A.)        

dadoes's profile picture
I have to chuckle a little at those "sets it apart" features touted as they're something new.

- Other brand/models have nylon-coated racks, yes?

- The majority of other brands don't intend for their machines to clean all the loaded dishware?

- Other brands have/had moveable tines (although maybe not all of the tines), and a height-adjustable upper rack (a few also with separate adjustments for each side).

- Heated final rinse is the go-to method for condensation drying which is used on several brands, and some others also involve a fan.

- Consumers are routinely complaining about long cycles.

- Adjusting options may be easier via an app than poking through levels of button selections, but starting a dishwasher remotely doesn't seem particularly advantageous when there's as yet no remote robot to load it.  :-)

Note that stated price of $2,100 to $2,200 doesn't include any type of front panel (they're sold as custom-panel-ready, so the optional stainless panel is extra cost.

KAs back in the day were packaged without a front panel installed, the buyer selected his/her choice of color which was a separate-packaged item.  Mom opted for stainless steel when we bought the KDI-17a.  I don't recall if there was a stated add-on charge to the base price for all panel/color choices, or if painted panels were included in the base price and there was an upcharge only for brushed chrome and stainless.

Post# 1024809 , Reply# 6   2/16/2019 at 13:38 (2,074 days old) by jerrod6 (Southeastern Pennsylvania)        

I actually don't see anything that my 13-year-old machine does not already do, but then the handle on it doesn't look like a stove though. Why that olive green color? Not my favorite color to see.

Would like to hear and see it in action sometime.

Post# 1024854 , Reply# 7   2/16/2019 at 23:57 (2,074 days old) by tolivac (greenville nc)        

Very interesting info on the Cove dishwasher-at its price----and LONG cycles--will continue to wash by hand.I don't like doing dishes by hand-but better than having the washer running unattended or while I am asleep possibly waking or coming home to a SURPRIZE!!!!!Will see what the swap shops have.The idea of using "apps" or fiddling with buttons turns me off on options.May be easier to just not use those at all.Also for some reason hate the word "app"!I guess since this brand is new there isn't any service or reliability info on these machines.And I don't like the idea of remote start--some internet clown could hack into your system and play with or run the machine when you don't want it to be run.Thank you all for the info on the Cove machines--mystery solved!Well when you think of it like Wolf and Subzero another brand for some rich householder to show to their friends when all the homeowner does is just eat out!The machines get little use other than storing wine,heating soup or water and washing occasional dishes from guests.

Post# 1024860 , Reply# 8   2/17/2019 at 02:46 (2,074 days old) by earthling177 (Boston, MA)        

Well, several of the links cracked me up, particularly the designer that implied one shouldn't have a luxury home with an Asko dishwasher because it didn't look good.

Honey, if you *are* a designer, your *job* is to *make* the home look good with the selection(s) the owners told you they wanted. I'm sure you'll find a way, most good designers do.

I'm convinced people do not *know* what luxury actually means. Most people just choose whatever it will make the place look expensive, whether or not it is, or whether or not it adds to the luxury.

Many years ago, when we were about to start looking for a home to buy, we were afraid of repeating the same mistakes we've seen friends making: some of them came from much more expensive areas of the country (including CA), so they didn't blink when they were told some homes in the Boston and Cambridge area cost around $375k back in the late 80's/early 90's. A few years into this, they found out they had overpaid by quite a lot, and that was compounded by a slight dip in prices back then. Luckily for them, the area gentrified by quite a lot later and they were able to recover some money.

But at the time we were thinking of buying a place, they were still "hurting" from having to stay put waiting for the prices to rise again.

So, we decided to look not only at our target market, but at the entire market, to have an idea what things were supposed to cost and when one would be underpaying or overpaying. To make the situation a bit more interesting, there were also a couple of groups of friends that were thinking about buying a very large home and have anywhere from 10-20 people living together as a group.

Anyway, we looked at a *lot* of homes, including what was considered back then, luxury homes starting at a million dollars (as an aside, today that doesn't buy you much in this area anymore). And we've seen some multimillion dollar homes in the area too. Nope, no one bought any of those, and none of the groups ever bought a home for a lot of people either.

But just as a heads up: if your "luxury" home has whirlpool baths (some even had more than 3) and has only *one* 40 gallon water heater, nope, we know you just put them there to be flashy, you won't be able to get very far with just one smallish water heater like that. Anyone else takes a shower, does laundry or washes the dishes, and people will be bathing in cold water. In a home that large with the supposed many people (and maybe servants), you will be *guaranteed* that no one will be happy.

A luxury home would have multiple large water heaters.

A *true* luxury home would actually have *endless* hot water by having the proper combination of on-demand water heaters and storage heaters, so every single faucet, shower, tub, washer(s) and sinks could be in use simultaneously and no one would even notice.

Endless hot water is luxury, 3 whirlpool baths you can never use is not.

It's pretty stupid that multimillion dollar homes were *often* the ones with substandard infrastructure.

Similarly, all those "luxury" homes with *one* dishwasher, ROFLMAO! In this area a nice home has at least two dishwashers, I can't imagine throwing a party for a large number of people and having one dishwasher, even if you are having everything catered. Sooner or later, we'll have a more intimate party with just 20 to 50 people, and 2 or 3 dishwashers would be dandy if you are doing that yourself. So you don't have caterers interfering with the party. I mean, we had parties like that, and we have only one dishwasher, but our home is a standard home and I'm fine doing the cleanup the next day anyway.

But in a luxury home, I would expect more. Way more. Something that reads "this is a luxury home". Not "we ran out of hot water" or "the dishwasher is running for over 4 hours for a pots&pans cycle" like that one is supposedly doing.

Also, at this point, I am not rich and I have an induction stove. So, to be a luxury home for me, any home would have to have at the very least one induction stove. They can add an AGA cooker or a gas stove or an electric (radiant or coil) if they felt like it, but if they have only one "restaurant" look gas thing, they are not as luxurious as they think it is.

Maybe those things that "look" expensive are good enough for people who want to impress clueless people and will call the caterers or place reservations on an expensive restaurant. Maybe they are cool/nice for people who dig spending hours cooking something. Their kink is not my kink even if their kink is OK.

When *I* cook (which is kinda rare given the hectic schedule we're going thru), I want to get in the kitchen and be as easy and efficient as possible. If the end result is the same or better, I don't mind taking less time and working way less.

I've found out that working quickly, effortlessly and efficiently impresses the heck out of people, even people who do own multimillion dollar homes.

I may cook and serve simple dishes, but we're in and out of the kitchen in a flash, we eat well and we spend time with the guests. Some of the most demanding folks we have visit are not even rich people, they are well off, but they want to eat well, like my family. They often come to visit and we're up and around in town doing the tourist things, we come back home and they are starving and worried about when we'll eat, and when they see the hubby and I getting food on the table in 20 to 60 minutes, which usually takes them at least 2 hours to make, their jaws hit the floor. One of my sisters-in-law is still miffed that every time we have Thanksgiving here, they arrive at 10 AM and we haven't even started cooking and the food is on the table by 1 PM sharp. She starts her turkey at some ungodly hour (like 6 in the morning) and it's not ready until 2-3 PM. She keeps asking if I'm gonna baste the turkey and I tell her no -- we start it on a V-rack upside down for about an hour or so, depending on the weight, take it off the oven, invert it right side up and back into the oven and it's up to temp and done in 45-70 minutes or so later, then you wait a few minutes and serve it. It really irks her when all the other guests claim it's so moist and delicious, her stuff always comes out dry.

I don't care what the equipment looks like, in fact I *prefer* white appliances so I don't have to re-do the kitchen in 5 years when something breaks and needs replacement. I want to pull out the old appliance and fix it, failing being able to fix it, another one will go *exactly* in the same spot, I don't want to have some special sized built-in stuff limit my choices later.

Anyway, maybe if someday I see this Cove dishwasher close up and personal, it might look better than what the links showed. Maybe in another 5 years they'll catch up to the good stuff we can pay less for or even to the stuff that costs a bit more but offers way more, like getting clean stuff in less than 4 hours.

Right now, all they have to show for it, is that it looks like their stoves, which is not the best looking things in the world.

Oh, and for god's sake: it's been over 30 years and, no matter what you do, the "integrated" appliances have not cut it yet. To begin with, once you've seen what a "built-in" look fridge or dishwasher looks like, you'll be able to pick them *anyway* because they always clash slightly with the cabinets, even custom-built ones. Perhaps even *more* with the custom-built ones, because no one looks at the fridges and dishwashers and build the cabinets to *match* the appliances, they build the cabinets and they try to make the appliances be disguised in there and fail.

On the other hand, maybe really rich people get off on making people look for stuff. I don't *want* to make my guests look for stuff. They are all grown ups, and I *want* them to be able to *find* some stuff immediately without asking for help: I want them to and expect them to find the wall switches, the sink, the dishwasher, the fridge etc without even trying, and I don't want to have to explain to them how to use the faucets either. It's been over 200 years we've had indoor plumbing, I don't want to have to post directions to guests.

I dunno, I guess I'm either getting too old or my blood sugar is low or something. I feel like I'm in a movie: "I see stupid people! They are everywhere and they don't even know they are stupid..."

      -- Paulo.

Post# 1026835 , Reply# 9   3/11/2019 at 18:02 (2,051 days old) by GELaundry4ever (Nacogdoches, TX, USA)        
alternating wash system

I wonder if this dishwasher has an alternating wash system.

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