Thread Number: 78490  /  Tag: Modern Dishwashers
Maytage Jet Clean portable
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Post# 1025042   2/18/2019 at 17:56 (2,072 days old) by jmm63 (Denville, NJ)        

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I've had this dishwasher for 12 years now, bought it used when I bought this house. It's been great, cleans really well and until I remodel the kitchen I plan on keeping it. The problem is the racks are rusting in many places and it kind of skeeves me. Lost several tines on the upper and the lower basket is actually broken in several areas.

So any of my AW friends out there have parts in a collection they would sell? I would pay for shipping and parts. I've looked online at parts places but it would almost be cheaper to but a new machine. Would really like to keep this one for as long as I can.

Its model MDC5100AWB - Serial # 30793189GA
Any help would be appreciated!!!!!!!

Post# 1025049 , Reply# 1   2/18/2019 at 19:15 (2,072 days old) by henene4 (Heidenheim a.d. Brenz (Germany))        
Used machine as parts donor

Many of the racks across the Whirlpool dishwasher family should be interchangeable, and this machine should be made after the WP takeover if I'm not mistaken.

If you have a car that can fit a dishwasher, scour you local area for some broken DW with compatible racks.
Many people give away broken machines for free just so they don't have to bother discarding them.

Ask the seller nicely to help you lift it into the car, drive to the next dump or retailer that takes back old appliances, grab the racks out of the machine and done.

Only costs you some gas and maybe 2h tops and you have done something for the environment!

Post# 1025083 , Reply# 2   2/19/2019 at 06:03 (2,072 days old) by askolover (South of Nash Vegas, TN)        

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From looking at the racks on repairclinic, this is a real Maytag, not a WP model.  The bottom rack is just like the one in my DWC7602 that I bought new in 1997 and has the spray tower in the middle.  Am I correct Jim?  There are usually a few of those on our local CL.

Post# 1025087 , Reply# 3   2/19/2019 at 07:20 (2,072 days old) by jmm63 (Denville, NJ)        

jmm63's profile picture
Hi and yes, its a real Maytag, made in Newton Ohio. Has the spray tower in the middle. I'm not sure of its exact age, I bought it used. It's really been a great machine, don't want to give up on it. I'm searching local ads looking for a similar machine but no luck yet.

Post# 1025092 , Reply# 4   2/19/2019 at 10:59 (2,071 days old) by Iheartmaytag (Wichita, Kansas)        

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But I believe Maytag's home town was Newton, Iowa.

Post# 1025181 , Reply# 5   2/20/2019 at 07:21 (2,071 days old) by jmm63 (Denville, NJ)        

jmm63's profile picture
Damned auto correct !!! Yes, Iowa.

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