Thread Number: 78495  /  Tag: Modern Automatic Washers
Estate ETW4400WQ0 “FrankenWasher”
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Post# 1025071   2/18/2019 at 23:19 (1,984 days old) by thevacuumman (Fritch, Texas)        

This is my Estate Washer that my parents bought brand new when we moved to Fritch, TX around 2005-2007 if I remember correctly from Circle-N Appliance in Amarillo. This washer has not lived an easy life due to heavy use from myself, my brother and my parents in the time we have had it and it ran like a champ even after I moved out in March of 2014. Fast forward to January 2018 and my parents called me to come look at the washer because it hasn’t been washing correctly. I had figured out the gear case was damaged due to the agitator not being able to spin and my parents decided to replace it and it’s matching dryer with a new Whirlpool Cabrio set while the Estate and the Kenmore Dryer that replaced the Estate’s matching dryer came to my house to see what I could do to fix it due to not having a washer and dryer after moving to a larger house to prepare for the birth of my daughter and I didn’t own the Kenmore Laundry Center that was in the house I rented previously. I located a late ‘90s Whirlpool DD with the help of my old boss that was in poor shape but it’s gearcase worked and fit my Estate. I got the Estate running once more and I was happy because this is the washer that got me interested in working on washers and once more fast forward to February 17, 2019 and my wife tells me she broke the washer. She proceeded to show me she broke the fin off the base of the agitator trying to get a sheet off of it. Instead of replacing the agitator base, I talked to my old boss on the 18th and he produced a agitator off of a Kenmore DD and it went with me for the price of nothing. All is good with the washer once more and I couldn’t be happier especially since I’ve put little to no money into this washer to keep it going hopefully for many more years ahead.

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Post# 1025079 , Reply# 1   2/19/2019 at 00:37 (1,984 days old) by DADoES (TX, U.S. of A.)        

dadoes's profile picture
Congrats on the DIY repairs.  :-)

Model year = 2009.

Serial = production 42nd week of 2009.

Post# 1025085 , Reply# 2   2/19/2019 at 06:23 (1,984 days old) by thevacuumman (Fritch, Texas)        

I couldn’t remember how old or new it was. It seems our older Whirlpool set held in longer than I thought, the set the Estates replaced my parents bought in the early 1990’s for around $150 from what they told me and those were quite old then. I remember they met their end when the washer flooded the laundry room, I just couldn’t remember about when. I was about an Freshman when this set was built and I’m sure it was bought pretty close to the new year at the time.

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