Thread Number: 78522  /  Tag: Modern Automatic Washers
Was this used SQ LWNA11SP111TW01 a good buy?
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Post# 1025303   2/21/2019 at 19:55 (2,069 days old) by rze29 (Dallas)        

I am in the Dallas area and I have been researching washers for a while. I wanted a basic TL and I was looking for used locally. I came across some SQ that were for sale and I got one today for $150. The guy actually brought this LWNA11SP111TW01 model with the Start button instead of the mechanical push/pull model that was in the listing (not sure on the model number but it looks like the 311SP). I can't find any information on the A11.

He said that I can exchange in the next 30 days. I don't know anything about this A11 model so wondering what you all think about it and if I should get the different one. I will try it a few times to see if there is anything to dislike.

That other one (311SP?) seems more up my alley but we'll see. I appreciate any information!!

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Post# 1025304 , Reply# 1   2/21/2019 at 20:32 (2,069 days old) by RP2813 (Sannazay)        

rp2813's profile picture

The "he" designation is a red flag for a top loader IMO, but others here should be able to advise exactly what's behind it.

Post# 1025308 , Reply# 2   2/21/2019 at 20:48 (2,069 days old) by rze29 (Dallas)        

I have no experience with anything High Efficiency, so I'm unsure what to expect from the A11 compared to other basic SQ TLs like the 311 or 432. The problem with all these local listings is that they never show the model number just that it's a SQ so then I have to rely on internet searches. I wish I found this forum sooner.

I have researched new TL from various stores and they all seemed to have terrible reviews, especially the new HE stuff. I live alone but I do about 3-4 loads a week and with the washer I currently have in my apartment (4.2 cu GE TL), I just dump everything and use Deep Rinse for when I add laundry sanitizer (I'm paranoid in flu season).

Anyway, any advice/info is greatly appreciated about this A11 or whether I should consider the other one that doesn't have the HE label.

Post# 1025311 , Reply# 3   2/21/2019 at 21:54 (2,069 days old) by Yogitunes (New Jersey)        

yogitunes's profile picture
the A11 is more of an ECO model for the most part.....

Heavy Duty/PermPress usually has a full fill for wash and rinse....

the Normal/ECO cycle fills for the wash, but the rinse is a Spin/Rinse setup....

compared to most of these models, you lucked out with a Load Size selector...

the 311 is your standard old school machine.....full fills for all cycles....non ECO....

basically both have the same durable base of mechanics underneath.....

Post# 1025313 , Reply# 4   2/21/2019 at 22:48 (2,069 days old) by rze29 (Dallas)        

Nice, good to know thank you!! I will do some testing in the next few days to see where each level fills up. Maybe it will help others who have seen this model pop up on craigslist, nextdoor, offerup, etc.

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