Thread Number: 78533  /  Tag: Modern Dishwashers
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Post# 1025404   2/23/2019 at 10:04 (2,083 days old) by maytagmike (Burlington, Vt)        

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Hello All,

My Maytag dishwasher piece of junk has bit the dust after 7 years, will wash but won't drain. I took it apart to make sure that there wasn't nothing blocking the pump, was all clear. I called a tech that worked at the store where I did before I retired, he said that it would cost me more to fix it than what it's worth. I know it's a Whirltag machine but I expected it to last more than 7 years. the Maytag dishwasher I had before lasted me 18 years. Maytag A408 still going strong after 42 years. Any suggestions would be helpful. Have a great day.


Post# 1025406 , Reply# 1   2/23/2019 at 11:57 (2,083 days old) by DADoES (TX, U.S. of A.)        

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The first diagnosis step is checking if the drain pump is getting power.  If not then the issue may be a wiring problem or a control board problem.  If so, then the pump presumably is bad.

I find the pump at various sources, one lists $31.34.

The board is variously listed as in-stock and out-of-stock (one source says until March 12-20). Price range of $53.74 (maybe an error?) to $123.14 to $157.62.

I didn't do a general Google search on either for other sources. There's also eBay for new or used items.

BTW, there's a number 0, 1, or 2 at end of your model number, which may be relevant to correct part numbers depending on what are the engineering differences.

Post# 1025911 , Reply# 2   2/28/2019 at 15:56 (2,078 days old) by toploader55 (Massachusetts Sand Bar, Cape Cod)        

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A Whirlpool product only lasting 7 years ???

Unheard of ; )

Post# 1025914 , Reply# 3   2/28/2019 at 16:57 (2,078 days old) by mrsalvo (New Braunfels Texas)        

Glenn, thank-you so much for the information on the part number corresponding to the model number. Today I called Lowe's repair company to come out for the 3rd time in 6 months to fix the dishwasher, KitchenAid, model #KDFE104DSS0, purchased in May 2014. It won't heat the water or dry the dishes, so the heating element is not kicking in. They've replaced the Control Board 2 times and it will last about 2 months, then goes out again. Did not find the part number listed on the repair invoices, only mentioned Control or Relay Board (same thing?). The last repair person told me not to use any cycle other than the ProWash, I did end up using the Heavy Cycle one day and SURE ENOUGH it went out again. How is it even after it's fixed I'm limited to only one cycle? At this point I don't trust the repair company or Whirlpool.

Before I hung up with the lady from Lowes, I asked her what brands they had the LEAST repairs and she said Frigidaire and Bosch. I'm seriously looking at a Frigidaire at this point. I paid $750.00 for this thing and I feel ripped off.

Dishwashers are a sore subject with me right now.

Maytagmike: I feel your pain!! Mine didn't even last 5 years!!! Never will I buy another Whirlpool product.

Sorry for the rant, but I had to get it off my chest.


Post# 1025915 , Reply# 4   2/28/2019 at 18:03 (2,078 days old) by DADoES (TX, U.S. of A.)        

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RJ has that same KA model at one of the rental properties (but SS front and engineering change 1).  He bought it open-box at Lowes (it had not been used/installed).  Sat for a year while he finished refurbing the property.  It immediately didn't work upon installation -- filled, drained, heated, no spray.  I checked it, the resistance and electrical tests at the control board all passed so I figured probably a bad recirculation pump motor.  It was under warranty so he called a local independent service guy who replaced the motor/pump/sump assembly.

Doesn't seem logical that a specific cycle would cause the board to blow as in your case.  All the machine components logically should be involved on any cycle -- fill, recirculate/spray, drain, detergent dispenser, rinse aid dispenser, heating element, etc. -- but I don't have ins-and-outs hands-on experience with these machines.  Maybe there's a flaky component that's zapping the board under a specific condition.

Post# 1025923 , Reply# 5   2/28/2019 at 19:49 (2,078 days old) by mrsalvo (New Braunfels Texas)        

Glenn, thank-you for the thoughtful reply. I can't figure out why switching cycles would cause it to malfunction, unless the control board has not been the correct one. Also wondering if he knew it was the wrong board (since he said he has only 1 year experience repairing appliances...fresh out of trade school). I'm going to look at the part when it comes in before he re-installs, if he brings another board in (which he probably will). There is also a relay switch down in the bottom by the motor that was not working right (you could hear it switching), when he ran it in diagnostic mode on his first visit, but it was never replaced. He just ended up replacing the board and told me not to use any other cycle, so he had to have known something was amiss.
I told that lady at Lowe's today that I WANT IT FIXED RIGHT. My patience is now wearing thin. Repair guy is suppose to be out next Monday to look at it....again.
Again, thank-you Glenn.

(As a full-time caregiver, it seems like I can't get anything done these days because I'm doing nothing but hand washing dishes, standing over the sink.)

Maytagmike: I hope you have better luck with your repair and you can get longer service out of your dishwasher. And to think I seriously looked at Maytag as a replacement, but now I don't trust all...and not just dishwashers either. At least you got 7 years out of it, I would have been more understanding if I had gotten the same, only 4 1/2 years on mine.
Are you looking to replace your machine? If so, what are you leaning towards as your choice? My neighbor recommended LG.


Post# 1025924 , Reply# 6   2/28/2019 at 20:27 (2,078 days old) by Joe_in_philly (Philadelphia, PA, USA)        

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I have had my Bosch dishwasher for 14 years, and it is still cleaning as well as when it was new. At this point, I would get another Bosch if I need to replace it.

The only problem I have had with it has just occurred...the rinse old button stopped working correctly. I think something sticky dripped behind it. So I’m going to have to figure out how to clean it. But the dishwasher still works, I just have to use a lot of force on the button to activate the rinse hold cycle.

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