Thread Number: 78586  /  Tag: Modern Dishwashers
Dishwasher prong caps
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Post# 1025882   2/27/2019 at 23:51 (1,975 days old) by pumper (SE Wisconsin)        

pumper's profile picture
Found these in a thrift store today. Ingenious!

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Post# 1025890 , Reply# 1   2/28/2019 at 06:31 (1,975 days old) by easy (Boston, Mass)        
dishwasher caps

I have bought "uber goop" on Amazon several times. They have both the caps and the liquid rack repair in multiple colors. Unfortunately, they are not as good a deal as you got at the Dollar Store.

Post# 1025901 , Reply# 2   2/28/2019 at 12:33 (1,975 days old) by Yogitunes (New Jersey)        

yogitunes's profile picture
I started to put these on a few tips that were starting to wear....

then realized it looked more uniform if all the tips had them....

thinking in hindsight, I should have put these on long before the tips started to wear through....they obviously give better cushion for things like glasses...

Post# 1026282 , Reply# 3   3/5/2019 at 05:46 (1,970 days old) by askolover (South of Nash Vegas, TN)        

askolover's profile picture

I have some of those for my Maytag.  25 years ago when I worked in automotive industry, we used those little caps on the screw studs that were molded into the backs of the Ford Explorer/Ford Aerostar windows to keep from scratching the black trim while they were in the racks awaiting placement in the vehicles.  I could get them by the handful off the floor as they were being swept up at the end of the day.  They were blue, but my mother didn't care.  I super glued them in her Kenmore and it was all set.

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