Thread Number: 78590  /  Tag: Modern Automatic Washers
Asko washer
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Post# 1025917   2/28/2019 at 18:24 (2,054 days old) by italmex (milano)        

I have had the opportunity to buy an Asko mod.w660 for only $100. The previous owner did not use it at its maximum capacity and it is in very good conditions. I can program it but nothing works, only the timer makes its normal cowntdown.
What could it be? Any advice on what I could do with it? I would not like to lose the opportunity to use it. Thank you.

Post# 1025925 , Reply# 1   2/28/2019 at 20:49 (2,054 days old) by Launderess (Quiet Please, There´s a Lady on Stage)        
IIRC You Can Find Service Mauals For Asko Washers online

launderess's profile picture
Am almost certain saw W660 and may have even downloaded it; but this was awhile ago when considering an Asko washer. Now have the AEG Lavamat there isn't a need.

Post# 1025933 , Reply# 2   3/1/2019 at 00:59 (2,054 days old) by Taurn67 ()        
delay start

is the delay start symbol showing up in the display? (looks like a small clock)

Post# 1025934 , Reply# 3   3/1/2019 at 01:00 (2,054 days old) by Taurn67 ()        


Post# 1025951 , Reply# 4   3/1/2019 at 09:53 (2,053 days old) by italmex (milano)        
Is the delay start symbol showing up in the display?

The delay clock does not appear on the screen. When I press start, on the screen shows that "starts the program" but nothing happens with the washing machine, nothing works.
I'm going to check if the components receive power.

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