Thread Number: 78610  /  Tag: Modern Automatic Washers
New Whirlpool/Maytag Front Loaders
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Post# 1026067   3/2/2019 at 15:16 (2,173 days old) by Cam2s (Nebraska)        

Was in Menards today and noticed they had a few of the new style Whirlpool FL machines. I like that they’ve moved away from the central knob configuration that almost everyone else uses, the buttons look nice and clean. The lower end model does not have an outer covering for the window glass (which is plastic) and it looks a little odd. The upper end model does have a covering but is tinted almost too dark to see in. Looks like it offers quite a bit flexibility, am curious about wash temperature though. If it will engage it’s heater and let you maintain a temp or use boosted hot water I think it would be a winner. And It’s also worth mentioning that the models with the load and go dispenser finally have access to the pump trap clean out. Sitting next to these where some new Maytag FL machines. These have the central knob, but have moved to an angled panel, which is very nice. At first I thought the extra power label was a marketing sticker...but it’s an actual button you can push. I’m also glad to see a bulky item maxima only had a bedding cycle and it doesn’t cut it for bulky items. The door on the Maytag is similar to the old style machines, the drum is identical to the whirlpool. Unfortunately the Maytag did not have a pump access panel. They also do not appear to be on the Maytag website.

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Post# 1026078 , Reply# 1   3/2/2019 at 17:54 (2,173 days old) by littlegreeny (Milwaukee, WI)        

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The thing that really bothers me with these new models is the inner door window is plastic on all Whirlpool-made FL'ers. They made this change sometime in 2018 and it seems so incredibly cheap to me. The build quality of their new machines is questionable. They really feel like throw away appliances.

Post# 1026625 , Reply# 2   3/9/2019 at 05:53 (2,166 days old) by Jaytag (Atlanta)        
Sanitize / Allergen

I noticed also that all Whirlpool Models offer Allergen but the base Maytag took away the Sanitize. I have many customers who love the Sanitize for Allergies. Wonder why the could not have put it on all models.

Post# 1026655 , Reply# 3   3/9/2019 at 15:58 (2,166 days old) by appnut (TX)        

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Jay, Maytag's entry level MHW3000/3500 didn't offer Extra Hot, just Hot.  There was a Steam for Stains option but still not as hot.  The MHW5500 & MHW8200 offered an Allergen cycle that was NSF P351 sanitization certification.  My Whirlpool WFW97HEX (purchased November 27, 2011) and the Maytag MHW8000 were the last in the product line that also offered NSF P172 certification for the Sanitize temp options.  After that, their products no longer offered that certification.  Only the Allergen certification.  The new Maytag & Whirlpool product lines offer Cold, Cool, Warm,  Very Warm, and Hot wash temps.  The Sanitize cycle is "Sani with Oxi" and I consider that a joke.  I think most front load competitive products still offer NSFP172 for their Sanitize cycle.  For the new WP product line, there is one model with exception.  The WFW9620 is their TOL and wash temps are Cold, Cool, Warm, Hot, & Extra Hot.  The Sanitize "cycle" doesn't not mention the need for Oxi to be added, but it still doesn't offer an NSF certification.  I personally think WP is really putting themselves at  a competitive disadvantage for individuals looking for an NSF certification for the Sanitize cycle.  And I do see in my modern appliance forums I participate in, individuals are looking for that certification.  LG also offers certification for their Allergene cycle that's from some sort of professional allergy organization/society.  I can vouch for the deep cleaning of very bad stains when Sanitize wash temp and steam for stains is used.  For me, the only acceptable model I could have from WP would be this WFW9620 because of the extra hot setting.  

Post# 1028764 , Reply# 4   4/2/2019 at 16:00 (2,142 days old) by peteski50 (New York)        

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I looked at these models at PC Richard today and I found that the door on the basic model was really flimsy and cheap - its amazing how they have downgraded and compared to the other brands these machines do feel like poor quality workmanship!

Post# 1028772 , Reply# 5   4/2/2019 at 17:11 (2,142 days old) by cuffs054 (MONTICELLO, GA)        

I saw them this week. To coin a phrase: "you sure is ugly..."

Post# 1028827 , Reply# 6   4/3/2019 at 10:08 (2,141 days old) by jerrod6 (Southeastern Pennsylvania)        

And they wonder why other washers sell better than theirs. Sanitize with oxi? Why not just drop the sanitize word? I know you can get some benefits from oxygen bleach but it is not the same as using a higher temperature. I think the sanitize cycle on my machine is around 170F degrees. I haven't used it yet but have used the clean machine cycle which says it is 185F, so 120V can do it.

I wonder why Whirlpool doesn't use the P172 sanitize temperatures anymore?

Post# 1028830 , Reply# 7   4/3/2019 at 10:33 (2,141 days old) by johnb300m (Chicago)        

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WPMT laundry has REALLY dissapointed me the past year or so.
From the slow death of my Maxima bearing and NO replacement parts for it.
To the horrible cheapening of their whole line it seems.
To the newly emerging gearbox woes in their MT commercial TL?!
WP really gave up to the competition.
Their bean counters really went overboard.
Their kitchen stuff has not suffered yet .... from what I see.
But dang, laundry?
It’s gotten so bad I’ve seen myself ogling a Chinese GE FL model!
Or LGs! 😲

Post# 1028832 , Reply# 8   4/3/2019 at 10:45 (2,141 days old) by combo52 (50 Year Repair Tech Beltsville,Md)        
Whirlpool Kitchen appliances

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Hi John, WP kitchen appliances have been hit or miss for the last 30 years.

There DWs are still among the best DWs built anywhere in the world, but some model combinations have been troublesome, currently the most reliable and rugged are the MT model DWs.

There SXS and top freezer model refs which had been the best in the industry since about 1960 have noise dived in the last 10 years.

WP does still build the best bottom refs in the world IF you uy the made in the USA models coming out of Amana Iowa, the Mexican models are very different and are giving us fits.

WP built cooking appliances are are all over the place, In a nutshell buy GE cooking appliances.


Post# 1028845 , Reply# 9   4/3/2019 at 13:53 (2,141 days old) by RevvinKevin (La-La Land)        
....the door.... was really flimsy and cheap.

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They lower the production costs by lowering the quality of all the components, ensuring machines are replaced, rather than repaired when they fail.   


Can you say "built in obsolescence"? 


It's all about corporate profit and making the share holders happy.

Post# 1028848 , Reply# 10   4/3/2019 at 14:18 (2,141 days old) by mark_wpduet (Lexington KY)        

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I didn't know your Maxima was dying. My Duet is still kicking 14 yrs old this month. Each year I keep up with the newest appliances so I'll know which I want when/if something happens. Each year I think this will be the year it dies, both washer/dryer.

As far as which to get, I'd probably get LG OR Electrolux based on what I've read on here, but stick with a Whirlpool dryer.

As for fridges, I have zero clue which brand to trust in the SxS department. I had go get a new Whirlpool side x side last year and I can tell they are cheaper than the one it replaced from 2004. I honestly had ZERO clue which brand to look at so just got another WP.

The dishwasher crapped out after 9 years and the new MT dishwasher has been GREAT.

My other appliances are all original WP with the house. The microwave above and the Range, both still work.

Anyway - someone shopping for a side x side fridge - there's really NO reliable brand......they all seem horrible from what I've read - even the most expensive ones.

Post# 1028917 , Reply# 11   4/4/2019 at 08:47 (2,140 days old) by henene4 (Heidenheim a.d. Brenz (Germany))        

The thing is that the customer has at least the same share on the cheapening of products.

It's easy enough to show that todays machines just are cheaper.

Most see it as an unbearable burden to pay a months wage on a washer alone.
In the beloved times of you all, that was plain the norm.

So I don't get the complaining.
You get what you pay for.

I recently purchased a washer for our flat share.
Ghe old one was a 300€ piece of simple cheap machinery, the new one would have been 450€.
Same brand, same quality, just some better specs.
If it washes for 6 people for the 3 years like the old one did for the 390€ I paid for, I couldn't care less.

Post# 1028927 , Reply# 12   4/4/2019 at 10:34 (2,140 days old) by DE409 (Maryland)        

I am old-school I guess, at 40 I will pay more for a better-made US product, and in fact will seek one out, rather than get the cheap stuff. My Ariens snowblower with the Briggs engine is an example. Cost more than a Honda snowblower but Ariens stuff is just so durable and parts are available.

This spring I replaced all our cheap Chinese cutlery with a nice set from Liberty Tabletop, the only US mfg of silverware. Very happy with that too.

Post# 1028941 , Reply# 13   4/4/2019 at 12:00 (2,140 days old) by combo52 (50 Year Repair Tech Beltsville,Md)        
Worlds Best Front Load Washers

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You can still find Speed Queens if you want something that can last up to 50 years of home use.


John L.

Post# 1028945 , Reply# 14   4/4/2019 at 12:37 (2,140 days old) by DE409 (Maryland)        

Will the new ones do it, though, or do you need to go pre-2017?

Post# 1028948 , Reply# 15   4/4/2019 at 13:15 (2,140 days old) by mark_wpduet (Lexington KY)        
Well HMMM?

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I'm trying to remember what my Duet cost in 2005. There were 3 models. Mine was the middle of the 3. I think it was $1150, but I got a discount so it ended up being right at $1000 IIRC. The prices really haven't changed much since then. Who knows, maybe a new Duet could last 14 years too or am I dreaming?

Post# 1028963 , Reply# 16   4/4/2019 at 17:57 (2,140 days old) by appnut (TX)        
Worlds Best Front Load Washers

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Well John, if they'd bothered to put a heater in the damn thing, I probably would have bought one.  I see major benefit of having an onboard heater--civilized laundry like the overseas brethren.  

Post# 1028964 , Reply# 17   4/4/2019 at 18:05 (2,140 days old) by combo52 (50 Year Repair Tech Beltsville,Md)        
Water Heaters In FL Washers

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Hi Glen, I do like having the heater in my SQ FL washer, but in reality I almost never use it, maybe 3-4 times a year.


But the bigger problem is you can't get 90% of the population to even select Hot water, and I know many will have a hissy fit but you really don't need water hotter than 100-120F to wash clothing in with modern detergents.


Even 190F will not disinfect or whiten as well as a 1/4 cup of bleach in a FL washer, and heating water to 150 + with electricity uses a lot of power.



Post# 1028973 , Reply# 18   4/4/2019 at 18:39 (2,140 days old) by henene4 (Heidenheim a.d. Brenz (Germany))        

Sure, 190F dosen't work as well as bleach...

Nah, literally every single hospital in Germany and the EU has no idea, no.

85C / 10min (that's 185F) has completly wrognfully been the main treatment for most clinical laundry over here, even though chemo-thermical methods have been just as much approved.


*shakes head in disbelief*

Sorry, it's 15min for RKI certification, 10min for other certifications.

Post# 1028978 , Reply# 19   4/4/2019 at 19:03 (2,140 days old) by appnut (TX)        

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Well, I have an all electric house and the water heater stays at 120.  Hot water on a cycle without a heater is what I use for washing my casual work clothes and some stuff worn around the house (per your suggestion numerous times to various people here John).  Cycles used for towels, sheets, personal whites, meal cloth napkins, kitchen towels, cleaning clothes all use cycles where the heater is engaged and I opt for different degrees of hot water temperature for the type of load it is.  

Post# 1029026 , Reply# 20   4/5/2019 at 09:43 (2,139 days old) by jerrod6 (Southeastern Pennsylvania)        

I think that If the prices for your washer really haven't changed much since you bought it, then there might be the possibility that the new washers will not last as long as your current one. The price for most things have increased since 2005, so if your washer is still the same, something inside has gotten cheaper.

Post# 1029033 , Reply# 21   4/5/2019 at 10:08 (2,139 days old) by combo52 (50 Year Repair Tech Beltsville,Md)        
14 YO German Built Duet Washer

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Hi Mark, I would not worry about your 14 YO washer failing anytime soon, it could easily last 20-30 years.

I sold a pair of these to my former partner 15 years ago and neither the washer or dryer have ever had a problem, and he gets dirty running an auto body shop and even brings all the shop rags home and washes them as well.

There are too many things in life to worry about without making up things to worry about, time will tell with this washer but they have generally done very well.


Post# 1029048 , Reply# 22   4/5/2019 at 12:55 (2,139 days old) by mark_wpduet (Lexington KY)        

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That would be awesome if it did. It runs so smoothly but occasionally I will hear a squeak when the tub is turning, but it's been that way for at least the last 5 years and it will stop doing it for MONTHS... then might do it for a month then stop again. I've always ignored it. It has the original hoses too but I turn the water off when done just to be safe. I don't overly worry about it but it's kind of disappointing what we have to choose from should something need replacing.

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