Thread Number: 78634  /  Tag: Modern Automatic Washers
LG's WMA3770 models to be replaced soon
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Post# 1026317   3/5/2019 at 13:37 (2,073 days old) by LaundryMaven (Michigan)        

It may not be news to the enthusiasts on this site, but in my recent search for a new washing machine, I discovered that the fan-favorite LG FL - WMA3770 - is soon going to be replaced with a new model. The WMA3770HWA (white) is already sold out at most places. I just purchased the washer with a companion dryer in graphite.

Just thought I'd mention it since this particular model is recommended a lot on the web, as well as this forum.

Post# 1026320 , Reply# 1   3/5/2019 at 14:21 (2,073 days old) by henene4 (Heidenheim a.d. Brenz (Germany)) already carrys the follow up model, the WM3900.

Main redo is the new, variable pressure TurboWash system that has 2 more nozzles further up the boot.

Price is about the same.

Fun side note: The spec sheet lists heatpump dryer model numbers to match that machine.
We will see if those were just place holders or if they actually will get made...

Post# 1026321 , Reply# 2   3/5/2019 at 14:51 (2,073 days old) by logixx (Germany)        

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Yes, the new system was called TurboWash 3D when shown at CES 2018, now it's called TurboWash 360 with five jets around the door boot. The dryers will use the self-cleaning system that already out in Europe.

Post# 1026338 , Reply# 3   3/5/2019 at 16:57 (2,073 days old) by LaundryMaven (Michigan)        
I think good prices can be found on the remaining 3770's

At least, my washer and dryer averaged out to $850 each. Not cheap by any stretch, but I'll take the savings over the new models.

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