Thread Number: 78638  /  Tag: Modern Automatic Washers
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Post# 1026362   3/5/2019 at 21:43 (1,969 days old) by stricklybojack (South Hams Devon UK)        

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Well I got a full house again, but it was worth it.
I have been trying to clear space in my garage only to see it as full as ever after I found this for sale very near my home.
It’s just over a year old and only washed one load of kitchen towels a day during that time. Came out of a prep kitchen for gourmet dog food! Now they have a laundry service so...
The dryer is gas and thankfully removing it for transport was fairly easy.
I have about 20 machines I need to sell, this one among them, in the meantime I join a club of sorts.

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Post# 1026386 , Reply# 1   3/6/2019 at 03:58 (1,969 days old) by askolover (South of Nash Vegas, TN)        

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I'd love to get one of those for my mother!

Post# 1026405 , Reply# 2   3/6/2019 at 11:28 (1,969 days old) by Frigidaireguy (Wiston-Salem, NC)        
Machines for sell



Are you going to post a list of the machines that you plan to sell.  


Thanks !!!



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