Thread Number: 78682  /  Tag: Modern Automatic Washers
LG washing machine rattle 2018 model
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Post# 1026815   3/11/2019 at 05:58 (2,037 days old) by Aeg03 (London, UK)        

My 11 month old LG washing machine has started making this noise when spinning some light loads. Don't really hear it much on heavy loads.

I have an engineer booked to look at it and he says he's going to order a new motor and control board for it. I can't think for the life of me why it would need a new motor - some rubbush he was saying about it being Direct Drive and some broken maget! - But it spins just fine.

Out of curiosity, I opened the coin trap door cover at the front and noticed around 5 or 6 small pieces of concrete and a little powdery residue. Wish I had a picture.

I believe the issue is caused by the the concrete block at the front of the suspection legs, though I thought its the suspension.

On top speed, the sounds is almost not there and its as smooth as anything but I don't see why I should live with a noise like this so am getting it looked at. Also noticed when putting a light load in the machine like a sheet and selecting SPIN only 1400RPM. The machine spins to only 800RPM and its never unbalanced. I saw a Samsung do this on Youtube.

I do like LG that's why I'm not looking for anything else, but would be interested if someone could view this video and feedback the possible noise. Its not the cabinet and nothing to do with being unbalanced as it does it when the drum is hardly moving and when the drum is really shaking, the noise is not really there.

I am also very disappointed that the engineer did bot remove the front panel, he only took the top off and says the concrete blocks are attached securely and there is no issue with the suspension.

I just canot believe its the motor. I just want to reject the machine, but as its almost a year old, that wont be possible.

Video attached.

Many thanks


Post# 1027068 , Reply# 1   3/14/2019 at 16:06 (2,033 days old) by reversomatic (east anglia,england,u.k.)        
LG Noise on slow spin

reversomatic's profile picture
Hi , my LG was making the same noise on the slower parts of the spin . It turned out to be the plastic pegs that secure the dampers to the tub being to loose. Mines the 8kg 1600rpm and has 3 dampers. You can tell if its this by holding the drum and rocking it back and forth gently and hear slight tapping noise.. I replaced mine with 3 Hotpoint/Indesit damper pegs they seem to be a tighter fit. That was about three years ago and still no noise. Mine was only about a year old when it started the noise and was worse at lower spin speeds. As for spin speeds, in the test cycle mine never gets above 1500rpm ! and wash temperatures are low too ,it even states in the user manual that the it may not reach the stated temperature . But having said that its had no other issues. Al in all very pleased with it. Hope this helps .

Post# 1027381 , Reply# 2   3/18/2019 at 07:18 (2,029 days old) by aeg03 (London, UK)        

Hi Nigel,

You have been a great help. I was not convinced by the engineers findings. I will have him come out anyway and change the parts and then kick off a big stinker as I feel the engineer doesn't know the product enough.

As in terms of machines. I thought about changing to a Samsung Eco Bubble 9kg model. What are these machines like? if you have any experience. I also wanted to know if they are very sensitive to unbalanced loads or not, the LG seems to always spin. Its good.

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