Thread Number: 78697  /  Tag: Modern Dryers
WED95HEXW0 whirlpool duet dryer
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Post# 1026924   3/12/2019 at 22:52 (2,042 days old) by Tomdawg (Des moines)        

I picked up this dryer from a friend of a friend, who’s washer had died early last year. The dryer now makes screeching/squeaking noises. I know the rollers or idler bearing had gone out.
Whirlpool claims these kind of dryers last 20 years. I have a hard time believing this. I do know the person that used it before me, had a family of 7 and they did at least 3-5 loads a day. Is it worth putting the money into it? Or should I scrap it? They also said they had bought it in 2010- so it’s 9 years old.

Post# 1026932 , Reply# 1   3/13/2019 at 05:52 (2,042 days old) by appnut (TX)        

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Tom, I have the TOL model of the washer in that series.  It was the first Duet, Direct Drive, and produced in Ohio, rather than in Germany.  This is probably one of the earlier dryers.  I bought my washer 11/27/2011.  

Post# 1026956 , Reply# 2   3/13/2019 at 10:42 (2,041 days old) by Combo52 (50 Year Repair Tech Beltsville,Md)        
Whirlpool duet electric dryer

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A dryer like this should be good for 20 to 40 years, the screeching is usually just the idler pulley, after as much use as this dryer had I would pull it completely apart clean it lubricate it and replace the idler pulley if that’s what’s causing the noise.

As to whether it’s worth fixing or not? It depends who’s fixing it and how much it’s gonna cost or if you’re doing it yourself, a new dryer like this is nearly $1000 you make the call, you should be able to fix it yourself for less than $50.


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