Thread Number: 78767  /  Tag: Modern Automatic Washers
Buying a Speed Queen Imperial set in 2019
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Post# 1027516   3/19/2019 at 17:54 (2,155 days old) by Nouniard (Virginia)        

I’ve been looking around and asking a few people about the discontinued Speed Queen Imperial washer/dryer set and thought I’d ask here too.

Would an Imperial set be a good buy today? I see them pop up every now and then and know a few people here have a set... so I’m curious as to how you’re enjoying them multiple years on now.

I’ve heard some say they had balancing issues so that is a bit of a concern. My current laundry room addition (older home) is going to be torn down and redone but the home is above a crawl space and not on concrete slab. Not sure if that should be an issue if the washer is leveled correctly.

I love the reliability of Speed Queen & the simplicity of the Imperial set...something I struggle to find in today’s front loaders. I’m not a technophobe (right in the middle of the millennial generation) but I love clean lines and physical knobs and buttons.

Anyway, would you guys buy one if available used/new in 2019?

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Post# 1027523 , Reply# 1   3/19/2019 at 22:49 (2,155 days old) by combo52 (50 Year Repair Tech Beltsville,Md)        
Speed Queen All SS Washer & Dryer

combo52's profile picture

Yes buy a set if you can find one, this last generation washer needs a really solid floor to prevent vibration and possible walking issues, the newer generation washers are much better in this regard + even larger capacity.



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