Thread Number: 78786  /  Tag: Modern Dishwashers
A new dishwasher
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Post# 1027705   3/22/2019 at 14:25 (2,152 days old) by StrongEnough78 (California)        

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So, Mom wanted a new dishwasher. She got tired of the old Hotpoint I've posted about a couple of times. In all honesty there wasn't much wrong with it. The motor would get stuck on occasion so I would just take off the panel and free it up by hand. But, what Mom wants, Mom gets. She talked to the apartment manager about it and finally they delivered. It's pretty basic but Moms happy with it. She did notice the drinking glasses do come out much clearer than before. I think our apartment owners must have a deal with Frigidaire since this dishwasher and the new stove we got recently is also a Frigidaire. We hated giving up the Whirlpool stove they gave us a few years ago as it was nicely equipped. But the oven stopped working and they couldn't find the part needed without going through a repairman. We're happy it works but miss the oven window and light the Whirlpool had. Anyway the dishwasher is much quieter and features a pause in the wash cycle to heat the water. Mom always washes the dishes anyway before putting them in the washer so I'm hoping soon to put it through a real test. We're not crazy about the style of the racks either as the prongs on the lower rack have 2 different sizes. It makes loading certain bowls and some plates difficult. But here it is. And yes Mom will leave that protective cover on the door until it starts to fall off on its own accord lol.

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Post# 1027740 , Reply# 1   3/22/2019 at 21:04 (2,152 days old) by IowaBear (Cedar Rapids, IA)        

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Very basic, but has a grinder and heats the wash water so I would be happy with it.


I wonder what the wash water is heated to...I looked at the manual and specs but it doesn't even say.

Post# 1027777 , Reply# 2   3/23/2019 at 01:55 (2,152 days old) by StrongEnough78 (California)        

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Yeah it works well. When I get a chance I'm going to use my digital thermometer to check the temp after the heat cycle. I'm curious too.

Post# 1027785 , Reply# 3   3/23/2019 at 07:27 (2,151 days old) by thomasortega (El Pueblo de Nuestra Señora de Los Angeles de Porciúncula)        

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The best appliance you can buy is that one that makes YOU happy with the choice.

Do you like it? Does it deliver the results you expected? If the answer is yes, celebrate!

And thank you for sharing!

Post# 1027798 , Reply# 4   3/23/2019 at 11:13 (2,151 days old) by Whatsername (Denver, CO)        

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These are really common in Residence Inns and other extended stay hotels of a certain vintage. Always found they worked quite well.

Post# 1027968 , Reply# 5   3/25/2019 at 13:43 (2,149 days old) by mrsalvo (New Braunfels Texas)        

Actually Frigidaire was recommended to me when I was looking to replace my crappy KA a month or so ago. The Lowe's repair dept. said that brand had among the lowest number of repairs, few if any. Hope you have good luck and many years of use without any trouble.


Post# 1028080 , Reply# 6   3/27/2019 at 03:28 (2,148 days old) by mark_wpduet (Lexington KY)        

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but hey, less technical = less to possibly go wrong. I like the blue wash arm, but that protective cover is driving me crazy I want to rip it off haha.

Post# 1028084 , Reply# 7   3/27/2019 at 06:57 (2,147 days old) by combo52 (50 Year Repair Tech Beltsville,Md)        

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Yes these do work it and sure beats not having a DW, but I don't think many people will give up their Kitchenaid, Whirlpool and Maytag DWs for this model.


FD as a brand has by far the poorest durability, this basic model was built in the US with parts from all over, this DW uses a brush type motor that has a very limited life before they just quite running. Higher end FD models are even worse, some are built in china and others built in Italy, we don't even try repairing high end FD and Electrolox DWs any more except for very simple problems.


If you use heated dry on this DW the plastic filter warps and crap goes under the edge and the wash arms get clogged up quickly, the door and door latch is very flimsy and will not take any abuse.


Yes you should remove the blue plastic, after a while it becomes impossible to remove without running the painted finish, but if you leave it it does make the DW a little quieter and the DW only has a life span of 1000-2000 loads anyway.



Post# 1028097 , Reply# 8   3/27/2019 at 09:13 (2,147 days old) by parunner58 (Davenport, FL)        

parunner58's profile picture
Thomasoretega, I wish to commend you on your reply here. I have been on the internet since the early 1990's and belong to any appliance related site I could find. Your response was so perfect, refreshing, and spot on. I wish Robert had a reward spot here you could be nominated. There are a few here and the vacuum site that would be very quick to criticize anyone’s choice of what they like and works best for them. Thank You.

Post# 1028101 , Reply# 9   3/27/2019 at 09:53 (2,147 days old) by steved (Guilderland, New York)        
to each his own......

We had a Frigidaire dishwasher that I purchased in 2011 that performed way better than the POS KitchenAid/Whirlpool that was in our house we bought in 2013. I'm glad we brought the Frigidaire from the old house. Now granted, I did add the larger wash arm to the ceiling of the machine, and installed a water recirculation pump on the hot water supply. I sold it to someone when I found our current Bosch-sourced Frigidaire dishwasher sitting NIB unused at an estate sale in the garage.
No complaints here!

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Post# 1028108 , Reply# 10   3/27/2019 at 11:42 (2,147 days old) by combo52 (50 Year Repair Tech Beltsville,Md)        
New FD DWs

combo52's profile picture
Hi steve, I am not aware of any FD DWs that are built by Bosch, where does it say your DW was assembled and what is the model number.

Thanks John

Post# 1028109 , Reply# 11   3/27/2019 at 11:54 (2,147 days old) by henene4 (Heidenheim a.d. Brenz (Germany))        
No BSH sourced models on the website

Checked through the models on the Frigidaire website quickly and from what I can see none have any BSH characteristics.

Post# 1028111 , Reply# 12   3/27/2019 at 12:09 (2,147 days old) by steved (Guilderland, New York)        
I wish I could

Perhaps I should say "based on an educated guess". The model/serial number tag was missing, along with the manuals, so I assumed it was a return of some sort, a "Scratch-n-dent" floor model. However, it shares the same construction as a Bosch, based on the Electrolux service manuals I was able to track down online. It has many of the components found on a Bosch, including the same bottom base tray with water sensor, wash pump with integrated heater, control board location, leveling set-up and detergent dispenser.
This label was still on the inner door:

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Post# 1028112 , Reply# 13   3/27/2019 at 12:11 (2,147 days old) by steved (Guilderland, New York)        

This post has been removed by the member who posted it.

Post# 1028115 , Reply# 14   3/27/2019 at 12:51 (2,147 days old) by foraloysius (Leeuwarden, Friesland, the Netherlands)        

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The Orbit clean feature is found on other Electrolux dishwashers too, including AEG models, they call it satellite spray arm.

Post# 1028133 , Reply# 15   3/27/2019 at 16:02 (2,147 days old) by chetlaham (United States)        

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I'd have taken GE followed by Whirlpool. GE still makes the best BOL IMO.

Post# 1028141 , Reply# 16   3/27/2019 at 18:26 (2,147 days old) by cuffs054 (MONTICELLO, GA)        

I've got the next model up and am very happy with it. I've had three TOL units with similar wash systems in other houses and were never disappointed. Oh yeah, I left the blue on for months, liked how it looked in the kitchen, wished appliances still came in colors. (cars too)

Post# 1028151 , Reply# 17   3/27/2019 at 21:46 (2,147 days old) by mark_wpduet (Lexington KY)        
Only 1,000 to 2,000 loads?

mark_wpduet's profile picture
For me, that would = about 12 to 13 years since I average 3 packed full loads per week on my Maytag. I'd be happy with that sort of lifespan. But some people use their dishwasher daily or in some cases more than once daily.

About the GE BOL - I always thought if I was ever forced to get a BOL that's what I would get.

I swear with any brand you just NEVER know anymore what will come up during the years of owning it, if anything.... Especially now.

Post# 1028223 , Reply# 18   3/28/2019 at 17:20 (2,146 days old) by chetlaham (United States)        

chetlaham's profile picture
Yup- the design is almost identical to that from 40 years ago- time proven. They still use an induction motor, heavy duty food shredder and filtration system that works stellar in my experience. Door latch rivals top of the line machines by other manufacturers. Leak proof rinse aid dispenser, long lasting break resilient looped tins and the long main wash heats that water without relaying on thermal holds or thermostats. Parts are plentiful and super easy to fix.

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