Thread Number: 789
Bosch 3200 Washer and Dryer
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Post# 51334   12/18/2004 at 21:59 (7,160 days old) by Kaylea ()        

I bought a Whirlpool Gold W&D and am not crazy about it..Lowes will switch it out and suggested the Bosch..Please help me with this !!!

Post# 51343 , Reply# 1   12/19/2004 at 00:09 (7,160 days old) by rchris ()        

Since you are already in the Whirlpool lineup, why not switch over to a pair of Duets?

Post# 51349 , Reply# 2   12/19/2004 at 03:01 (7,159 days old) by foraloysius (Leeuwarden, Friesland, the Netherlands)        

foraloysius's profile picture
Ofcourse we were curious why you don't like them!

Post# 51373 , Reply# 3   12/19/2004 at 11:21 (7,159 days old) by Kaylea ()        

Do not spin enough and clothes not that clean

Post# 51375 , Reply# 4   12/19/2004 at 12:11 (7,159 days old) by maytagbear (N.E. Ohio)        
Laundry questions.

Are you sorting lights from darks? Dye transfer happens very easily.

Are you using the "Heavy Duty" cycle?

Are you overloading the machine? Overloaded machines have poor circulation in the tub, and poor circulation = poor cleaning.

Are you using too little detergent? Especially if you have hard water, using too little detergent is another possible factor in poor cleaning. The detergent manufacturers want you to be generous, but using a lot less than suggested is not a good idea.

Have you set the "extra spin" setting, if available on the machine?

We want to help.


Post# 51376 , Reply# 5   12/19/2004 at 12:25 (7,159 days old) by Kaylea ()        

Thanks!! I just wondered if the bosch would clean better then the top load Whirlpool..Spin speeds I know are better..Linda

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