Thread Number: 78933  /  Tag: Modern Automatic Washers
Life Expectancy of Bearings on Speed Queen or the good older washers?
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Post# 1028961   4/4/2019 at 17:06 (2,072 days old) by PinkPower4 (USA)        

What is the life expectancy of bearings on Speed Queen or the older "good" washers? It seems like the good newer one last only ten years and even less for the inexpensive made HE ones. Thanks!

Post# 1028970 , Reply# 1   4/4/2019 at 18:23 (2,072 days old) by cfz2882 (Belle Fourche,SD)        
1982 marathon going strong

well, my '82 speed queen is running good with no bearing noise :)I'd say it is a "medium use"machine:black belt dust all over the baseplate and decent lint buildup on the pulley spokes,motor air intake,and weight ring fins.This washer is a rugged,no-BS workhorse :)Neptune just turned 20 and running nicely too.Basicly bearings will never wear in even heavy home as long as the tub seal keeps water out of the bearings.Certain washers are known for craptastic tub seals-best seals I have seen were on the WCI franklin washers-jus sayin :)

Post# 1028975 , Reply# 2   4/4/2019 at 18:50 (2,072 days old) by combo52 (50 Year Repair Tech Beltsville,Md)        
Bearing Life On Washing Machines

combo52's profile picture

Right On Brendan, Almost no washer ever built had bearing problems TILL water gets in them, So a better question might be which washers have the best water seals and overall life as a result.


Traditionally older top load washers with sleeve bearing [ at least for the top bearing closest to the water ] lasted longer. 


This type of design would apply to MT DC, WP BD & DD, GE FF, WCI-Franklin. Machines with a ball bearing at the top usually had earlier failures, these included SQ TL perforated basket machines 1981 on , Norge perforated basket machines 1964 on, FD 1-18 washers however both FD and SQ solid tub washers did much better with top bearing life even with a ball bearing at the top and bottom.



Post# 1028976 , Reply# 3   4/4/2019 at 18:52 (2,072 days old) by henene4 (Heidenheim a.d. Brenz (Germany))        

Speed Queen and most useres on here (one I look at with that certain squint specificly for verry many reasons) will CLAIM 25 or 50 years for TLs and FLs respectivley.
Even though SQ dosen't even build FLs themselfes for that long, so claiming that is easy...
(I mean, calculating a bearing lifespan is a one minute task for an engineer.)

They do run in a lot of commercial settings (the commercial versions are 1 to 1 the same base machines for the FLs or the old transmission TLs - that is what their entire buisness idea is).
So just walk into a laundromat that has them and check how many are broken down.

We did have a case of broken bearings on one on here.
That person used the machine insanely heavily.

And for them at least service was a fight to say the least...

But, I mean, it really depends, sadly...
It's not a one-size-fits-all thing with washers...

Post# 1029008 , Reply# 4   4/5/2019 at 00:50 (2,072 days old) by FreshNclean (WA)        
which modern FL washers have the best water seals ?

Is there any that comes to mind ?

Post# 1029017 , Reply# 5   4/5/2019 at 06:43 (2,071 days old) by combo52 (50 Year Repair Tech Beltsville,Md)        
Water Seals & Main Bearings On Newer FL Washers

combo52's profile picture

Unfortunately it often takes time to see which machines are holding up best, the ones we have seen the most problems with over the last 10-15 years are.


Early MT Neptune's till they redesigned the seal a few years in. [ their orignal design had a face type lip seal, when I was in service training for this machine I told them it would not last long ]


Small door Frigidaire machines 1996-2011, had more than their share of bearing failures and broken spiders.


We saw a lot of bearing failures in the Chinese built LittleSwan GE washers and again quite a few broken spiders.


Frigidaire seems to made an impressive comeback, I don't think we have seen a single seal-bearing-spider failure in their next two generations of FL washers, however they still have lots of board [ motor and control ] failures door lock problems, clogged impossible to get sumps and just overall mediocre performance.


Overall I would say the quality and durability of main seals have improved in newer FL Washers.



Post# 1029034 , Reply# 6   4/5/2019 at 10:14 (2,071 days old) by PinkPower4 (USA)        

What about the SQ top load LWN432 model. It should be similar to bearings found in the AWN432 series sold for home use???


Post# 1029113 , Reply# 7   4/6/2019 at 09:53 (2,070 days old) by PinkPower4 (USA)        
Found the answer!

I hope this post may help someone else who is still trying to decide. I was still debating whether or not I should purchase the LWN432 model while I still *may* be able to. I would not have gotten rid of my Maytag though. It works great, and I have not had any issues with it in 8 months.

I feel both the LWN432 and Maytag mvwp575gw should last about ten years without any major repairs. Unlike older washers, the newer belt drives may require the belt, mode shifter, and possibly splutch to be replaced instead of just a $2 package of dogs within that same timeframe. Other than a belt, I did not anticipate any additional repairs with the LWN432 model. However, these parts are inexpensive. I can replace them myself on either washer.

It is hard to sort through these posts because the new washers are not going to last as long as the older ones. If buying new, one has to choose from what is available. I think if the replacement parts were less expensive, specifically the control panel, the Maytag could be kept in operation as long as the older and more durable ones! I believe I could replace almost any part in a top loader except just the seals and bearings thus the reason for this post. I can only imagine how much worse washer quality will get. It may be worth paying half the cost of a new washer to keep this one going even if it means buying a new tub with the bearings and seals.

This post helped me decide.

"The TL models are not only very difficult to repair when you have main seal and transmission problems, But also expensive, I predict that most TL SQs will be trashed if they develop these problems, especially when the 10 year transmission warranty is gone. The FL machines on the other hand are relatively easy to replace main bearings and seals in."

For me the bearings and spider would not be easy to replace on an LG front load. I would have to disassemble every screw, hose, and wire harness with tools I do not have. Cost would only be about $100 to $125. I could have bought the tub with the seals and a spider for about $400. I still would have had to disassemble the entire thing. For that reason, I have chosen not to repair the front load.

Putting in a new tub with seals on a top loader does not look that hard, and I might even be able to replace just the seals and bearings (not sure). The Maytag I have shares the same parts with many of their other commercial models, which is part of the advantage of a vertical modular design. However, it looks like the LWN432 and other models that have the transmission, timers, etc. have been/are being discontinued. I am guessing even the tub for the 2018 would not fit the LWN432. Due to lack of parts, the issue of whether or not I can replace this myself becomes more relevant. It looks like either way, I probably am only going to get ten to fifteen years no matter which washer I choose.

I think the wiser purchase later on may be to wait for the Speed Queen front loader. One local retailer seemed to think they would be an option soon...If they make them easy to repair, I would definitely would consider having this alongside my Maytag.

Speed Queen has not responded to any emails I have sent, and I cannot seem to reach a live person. I did receive responses to my emails I had sent Maytag within two business days.

Post# 1029156 , Reply# 8   4/6/2019 at 21:10 (2,070 days old) by stricklybojack (South Hams Devon UK)        

stricklybojack's profile picture
You can get a Speed Queen front loader now, just not the home version:

Or the old design TL machine:

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Post# 1029196 , Reply# 9   4/7/2019 at 10:59 (2,069 days old) by PinkPower4 (USA)        
Thanks! Retrofitting the LWN432

I think I would prefer the one with the manual timer, LWN432. It seems less expensive to modify and less to break. However, it is not as plug and play friendly modification compared to the electronic controlled version, LWNE22SP115TW01.

Is there anyway I can just buy this whole top part new for the LWN432? ?

I have been searching through a parts manual for the whole part. It looks like 37927 is just for the timer only? Also, I notice it has been replaced with 37927P Would getting the part without the P get rid of the eco cycle?

Finally, if I do find this part the whole top of what looks like the AWN model to put on an LWN mechanical, is it plug and play? I would prefer not to cut wires.

Post# 1029203 , Reply# 10   4/7/2019 at 11:23 (2,069 days old) by combo52 (50 Year Repair Tech Beltsville,Md)        
P added To Part # On SQ Parts

combo52's profile picture

They do this a lot, It is the same part without of without the P.

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