Thread Number: 79014  /  Tag: Modern Dryers
No Heat Kitchen Aid KDTE104ess1
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Post# 1029699   4/12/2019 at 19:50 (1,932 days old) by IIIJohnnyMacIII (North Carolina)        

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My dishes aren't sanitizing or drying. No heat from the exhaust heating element was cold during drying cycle. I checked the heating element and hi temp thermostat and they have continuity. All wires were connected correctly. Could it be the control board? What are your thoughts?

Post# 1029706 , Reply# 1   4/12/2019 at 21:02 (1,932 days old) by combo52 (50 Year Repair Tech Beltsville,Md)        

combo52's profile picture

If it is not a broken wire in the door harness you have a bad power board.


If the DW is under 5 years old the board may be covered by a  parts warranty, also if you find the board is burned you may get a refund for part of the board cost or a discount on a new DW.



Post# 1029718 , Reply# 2   4/12/2019 at 21:47 (1,932 days old) by IIIJohnnyMacIII (North Carolina)        

iiijohnnymaciii's profile picture
Thank you!

Post# 1032346 , Reply# 3   5/10/2019 at 21:03 (1,904 days old) by vacman1961 (North Babylon, New York)        

Did you try resetting the board, the heater could have shut off. Check for error codes, the no heat error code is 7-1.

Post# 1032835 , Reply# 4   5/16/2019 at 21:06 (1,898 days old) by IIIJohnnyMacIII (North Carolina)        

iiijohnnymaciii's profile picture
Thanks for the tip. Yeah, I tried resetting the board. It didn't work. I ended up parting it out and got a new washer. Too bad, it was a good washer.

Post# 1032843 , Reply# 5   5/16/2019 at 22:53 (1,898 days old) by Mrsalvo (New Braunfels Texas)        

Mine did the same thing! It was still under warranty, so I called for repair. 3 repairs in about 6 months, all the same thing...control board. One repairman told me to never use any cycle other than "ProWash" and don't open it up to add a dish if the Add Dish light is not lit. I've been following his advice and so far the board is holding and the heat is kicking on. I don't run it unattended, don't trust it.
It's been a good dishwasher, when it works.

What brand did you get?


Post# 1032847 , Reply# 6   5/16/2019 at 23:27 (1,898 days old) by IIIJohnnyMacIII (North Carolina)        

iiijohnnymaciii's profile picture
Hi Barry. I ended up getting a Kenmore. I just finished a write-up about it in my shopping for a new dishwasher thread. I'm hoping for no control board issues! If I have anything else go wrong with it out of warranty, I've got spare parts now!

Post# 1032851 , Reply# 7   5/17/2019 at 00:01 (1,898 days old) by Mrsalvo (New Braunfels Texas)        

Yes, I just finished reading that thread, it's very long but informative. I'm glad you replied here. I'm keeping an eye out on new ones as well, I just don't trust ours, it is 5 years old this month, I expected a longer service life. Have been washing a lot of dishes by hand lately, very maddening to open a dishwasher full on nasty dishes.
I'm keeping Kenmore in mind as well, a friend of ours has one as well. Do you like the racks and dish placement? Is it noisy? I'll keep an eye out for your reply.

Post# 1032854 , Reply# 8   5/17/2019 at 00:59 (1,897 days old) by IIIJohnnyMacIII (North Carolina)        

iiijohnnymaciii's profile picture
That's too bad. Should have a longer service life for sure. I feel your pain. It's terribly frustrating. Sounds like Whirlpool's overseas part supplier for control boards made some bad boards.

The Kenmore has a different control panel and control board! It has the same pump and motor assembly as my old KitchenAid. It has the same exact top and bottom racks. It's the same when it comes to noise level. Very quiet. It doesn't have prodry, but the only units that had prodry were top control and I wanted front control. I'm not sure if those top control units were using the same boards as my KitchenAid. I couldn't find a parts manual and didn't want to take the chance.

Good luck. If you have anymore questions let me know.

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