Thread Number: 79019  /  Tag: Modern Automatic Washers
Maytag MVWP575GW wet clothes
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Post# 1029736   4/13/2019 at 06:51 (1,931 days old) by UnclePete (Massachusetts )        

Maytag MVWP575GW 10-months old, just started recently with wet clothes at end of cycle.
No water visible in tub when done. Please advise.
Thank you, Uncle Pete

Post# 1029742 , Reply# 1   4/13/2019 at 09:51 (1,931 days old) by Yogitunes (New Jersey)        

yogitunes's profile picture
this is ironic, most complaints are that the clothes aren't getting wet...well, you now have proof!

but we would need more details as to what is or is not happening.....

and at 10 months, this should be under warranty...yes/no?

Post# 1029751 , Reply# 2   4/13/2019 at 11:44 (1,931 days old) by UnclePete (Massachusetts )        

5 year warranty. To me it appears that it is not spinning fast enough to extract all of the water.
It seems to be draining fine.

Post# 1029753 , Reply# 3   4/13/2019 at 12:16 (1,931 days old) by ea56 (Cotati, Calif.)        

ea56's profile picture
Perhaps the load was slightly out of balance so the spin speed was slowed down to prevent damage to the machine. Try redistributing the load and running a spin only cycle. If the load spins put properly, this may have just been a fluke.


Post# 1029756 , Reply# 4   4/13/2019 at 12:52 (1,931 days old) by UnclePete (Massachusetts )        

No tech until next Friday 😬

Post# 1029764 , Reply# 5   4/13/2019 at 14:05 (1,931 days old) by coldspot66 (Plymouth, Mass)        

Possibly the basket hub.

Post# 1029765 , Reply# 6   4/13/2019 at 14:17 (1,931 days old) by Stricklybojack (South Hams Devon UK)        

stricklybojack's profile picture
WP seems to have a dud on their hands...that 5 year warranty will sure come in handy for consumers who bought this unit.

Post# 1029830 , Reply# 7   4/14/2019 at 08:51 (1,930 days old) by PinkPower4 (USA)        
Some reasons basket may not spin as fast...

Since the washer is under warranty, I would have it looked at by a service tech. I notice they have revised some of the parts. Perhaps, some of that was to improve their performance and reliability.

If you have not disabled the lid lock, you may wish to temporarily. You can remove the two screws that secure the lid lock, slide it off, and place it in the slot. Since I have disabled my lid lock, I could probably tell whether it is spinning like normal since I have watched it before when it was working correctly. I would also notice if it was slower to drain.

I came across some of these in materials I have read in regard to my washer, the same as what you have. Perhaps, it may be helpful to you.

The final spin for delicates is 500 rpm, and clothes are damper at the end of this cycle. All other cycles' final spin is 700 rpm. Since my main concern is the agitation damaging these clothes I washed on delicate, I will just do a drain and spin if needed.

If you remove the front panel, you may want to see if the belt is slipping. You need a security screwdriving set with a T21 for the two top screws that hold the front panel. Most people would have the other tool needed for the three bottom fasteners. A loose or slipping belt could cause the tub not to be able to turn as fast. Is there any black debris under the washer from the belt? The belt may not be all the way on the pulley.

Also, the clear tube (the hose to the pressure switch) that runs up the outer tub should be free of debris.

It is possible the load was out-of-balance and spun slower for that reason.

The lid lock may have vibrated out of place especially if you have disabled it. It does seem to be a bit picky. It is possible after ten minutes, the cycle was cancelled and the washer simply drained before it finished the spin cycle.

Are you using the correct amount of HE detergent? Have you tried running a load with the clothes and water only?

Does it spin faster empty or with a few clothes and slower with more and heavier amount of clothes? This may mean a transmission or splutch issue? Something in the gearcase may not be turning correctly. Maybe the splines on the basket gear drive, a part of the splutch, are starting to wear down?

The lid has to be locked AND the mode shifter in position for HIGH spin. It's my understanding low speed spin would have still worked. Also, the shifter may have some kind of optical sensor on it. Wonder if it is working correctly.

The most common parts that will probably have to be replaced include the mode shifter, belt, and splutch. I hope yours is not a gearcase issue too.

Note: I am just a consumer. I am not trained nor do I repair washers for a living. I have just learned to be a jack of all trades and a master as much as I can be :-). Also, please do not do any of the above suggestions that you feel may void your warranty.

Please let us know what the technician says. I own this washer, but so far as I have not had any issues. Thanks.

Post# 1030295 , Reply# 8   4/19/2019 at 18:00 (1,925 days old) by UnclePete (Massachusetts )        

New actuator installed, calibrated, and good to go. The tech said Maytag knows of this problem.
Then why aren’t they proactive. Aggravating.

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