Thread Number: 79094  /  Tag: Modern Automatic Washers
was on vacation and did laundry in a commercial speed queen washer dryer
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Post# 1030304   4/19/2019 at 20:32 (1,974 days old) by pierreandreply4 (St-Bruno de montarville (province of quebec) canada)        

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hello to all aw

was on vacation arrive april 16 3 days in disney so did laundry at disney port orlean riverside in a maytag fl washer and 4 days in sarasota where i did 2 loads of laundry in a speed queen commercial front load washer (coin op washer) in sarasota hotel lido beach resort so here my question would you stay in a hotel that has guest laundry but would put a rule for there guest coin op washer dryers not to wash in hot water and use warm or cold water?

Post# 1030417 , Reply# 1   4/21/2019 at 10:34 (1,972 days old) by Tomturbomatic (Beltsville, MD)        

I probably would not bother with laundry that needed hot water, especially in Sarasota where there is so much to see and do and so many fabulous resale and consignment stores because rich people bring their nicest things into retirement and then die and the stuff gets recycled. Let me tell you, in the days before the Internet, that was a collector's heaven. I had to box up stuff a couple of times a week and UPS it home.

One year, I found the knife sharpener that plugs into the back of the GE hand mixer that looks like a Thunderbird. I kept checking on it at the thrift store for a few days and then a day or two before I left, the Women's Exchange near the Selby Gardens put out the complete turquoise mixer with cord so I bought it and dashed a few blocks over to get the knife sharpener. I have a beautiful sectional sofa from one of the charity shops and a MIB Presto Control Master Dutch Oven that I found one weekend morning at a flea market. This older couple had this little storage shed and I looked up near the rafters and spotted the Presto box. They asked $9.99 for the find of a lifetime. One day there was a long line for lunch so I dashed cross the street and found a brand new Guardian Service sizzle platter at the thrift store. Behind the St. Vincent de Paul thrift Store, I found the discarded copper finish anodized aluminum filter pan from a GE washer. One place's trash is somone's treasure so there can be better things to do than laundry; not often, but sometimes.

Post# 1030429 , Reply# 2   4/21/2019 at 12:53 (1,972 days old) by ThatRobGuy (Maine)        

At hotels I wash as much as I can in hot water. Almost seems gross to wash in cold. I don't know who washed what before me. Thankfully I don't have to stay at hotels often, and will usually just pack enough to get through an entire stay without doing laundry.

Post# 1030475 , Reply# 3   4/21/2019 at 18:39 (1,972 days old) by jerrod6 (Southeastern Pennsylvania)        

If I am on vacation at a resort or hotel, I would send my laundry to the hotel and have them clean it but if that was not an option I am not sure I would stay at a hotel that made you wash in cold water. The trend is for washing in warm, but the question is what is the temp of what they are calling warm, and if hot is available what is that temp?

On vacation, I usually take enough clothes so I don't have to wash because I don't like to use public laundries.

Post# 1030491 , Reply# 4   4/21/2019 at 20:06 (1,972 days old) by Launderess (Quiet Please, There´s a Lady on Stage)        
Public laundries

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Are under pressure on all sides to reduce energy usage. They pay dearly for electric, gas or whatever to heat water, then come various state or local mandates that seem to be ever increasing to enforce all sorts of "green" mandates.

Ten or more years ago that laundry never would have gotten away with pushing warm or cold water washing. But now that everyone and their mother is saying "turn down the dial" and wash in cold or warm (often pointing to the vast number of new detergents designed for such), things have changed.

Some coin-op laundries simply charge more for hot washes. Most if not all new computer controlled front loaders (haven't seen a TL laundromat washer around here in decades)can easily be programmed for variety of prices.

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