Thread Number: 79113
/ Tag: Modern Dryers
Water collection on items in DW |
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Post# 1030422 , Reply# 2   4/21/2019 at 11:55 (2,098 days old) by mrboilwash (Munich,Germany)   |   | |
If a large item like a plastic container gets turned over and collects water I`d be way more concerned about dirt and detergent carry over into the last rinse than steam and the drying process.
Ikea has a cool food container system where the plastic lids fit both glass and plastic containers of the same line. I think it`s a great way to limit the use of plastic in the kitchen. CLICK HERE TO GO TO mrboilwash's LINK |
Post# 1030438 , Reply# 3   4/21/2019 at 13:32 (2,098 days old) by DADoES (TX, U.S. of A.)   |   | |
I bought several of the anchor clips years ago that were provided as an accessory with some KitchenAid models. The clip design was changed ("let's make it better!") and the newer style doesn't work on my DD racks so I can't get any more. I also sometimes use clothespins to stabilize items from shifting on the side shelves.
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