Thread Number: 79262  /  Tag: Modern Dryers
LG Truesteam vs Maytag 2000 Series
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Post# 1031942   5/6/2019 at 11:01 (2,107 days old) by aaronrach (Winnipeg)        

Looking for some help in deciding which washer/dryer set to keep. We purchased a new home that has the Maytag 2000 series washer/dryer (washer model MHWE250XL00), purchased in 2010. Our existing washer/dryer are the LG Truesteam line (dryer model DLEX2650R) and were purchased 5 years ago.

Since both of these models are now discontinued, I am having a hard time comparing and deciding which set to stick with and which to sell. Anyone with some knowledge on these brands/models and able to provide an opinion on which would be the better option to keep?

Post# 1031951 , Reply# 1   5/6/2019 at 13:29 (2,107 days old) by henene4 (Heidenheim a.d. Brenz (Germany))        

If you have space to stack them or to store one why not both?

Anyway if the washer is true TrueSteam model it does have a seperate steam generator which the Maytag should lack if I'm not mistaken.

So I'd keep the LG...

Post# 1031970 , Reply# 2   5/6/2019 at 17:19 (2,107 days old) by appnut (TX)        

appnut's profile picture

I would keep the LG set.  

Post# 1031978 , Reply# 3   5/6/2019 at 20:38 (2,107 days old) by logixx (Germany)        

logixx's profile picture
Yeah, the 2000 Series seems to even lack a water heater.

Post# 1031989 , Reply# 4   5/7/2019 at 01:03 (2,107 days old) by MattL (Flushing, MI)        


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