Thread Number: 79270  /  Tag: Modern Automatic Washers
just seen on facebook the 2019 speedqueen front load washer dryer
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Post# 1032024   5/7/2019 at 12:54 (1,907 days old) by pierreandreply4 (St-Bruno de montarville (province of quebec) canada)        

pierreandreply4's profile picture
hello to all aw for aw members that do not have facebook just seen on facebook the 2019 speed queen front load washer dryer set posting the pic here for members to see them and just from the vid for there top load model i am happy they decided to go back to non locking lids and back to the old style agitation system while still keeping the modern look

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Post# 1032025 , Reply# 1   5/7/2019 at 13:49 (1,907 days old) by Iheartmaytag (Wichita, Kansas)        
I saw that on Facebook recently too.

iheartmaytag's profile picture
Scrolling down to the bottom of the ad; it's dated 2015

Post# 1032071 , Reply# 2   5/7/2019 at 23:43 (1,906 days old) by foraloysius (Leeuwarden, Friesland, the Netherlands)        

foraloysius's profile picture
I saw it too, it was from this month.

Post# 1032123 , Reply# 3   5/8/2019 at 12:28 (1,906 days old) by joe_in_philly (Philadelphia, PA, USA)        

joe_in_philly's profile picture
Considering the staging, it looks like it could be from the 70s!

Post# 1032142 , Reply# 4   5/8/2019 at 16:19 (1,906 days old) by Frigilux (The Minnesota Prairie)        

frigilux's profile picture
I thought the same thing, Joe! Didn't realize lemons were back 'in', LOL.

I foresee the new SQ front-loading pair in the tight quarters of my laundry space. Now that I'm washing very large, mixed loads a front-loader is the perfect choice.

Not as concerned about the lack of an internal water heater as I used to be. The washer hose is fed directly from a pipe coming out of the water heater about six inches from the washer. Incoming hot water tops 150 degrees within two seconds.

The price, though; ye Gods!

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