Thread Number: 79281  /  Tag: Modern Automatic Washers
AquaSmart Regular HE cycle w/Shower Rinse
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Post# 1032098   5/8/2019 at 08:44 (1,906 days old) by DADoES (TX, U.S. of A.)        

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6 cargo shorts, 1 boxer shorts, 1 shirt, 8 briefs, 1 bath towel, 4 hand towels.

Regular cycle, HE wash mode, Aqua Rinse (shower, no softener).  8 tbsp Cheer powder, 3 tbsp STPP.

Apologies for the dark lighting.  I had two floods aimed into the machine but the camera apparently reduced the exposure to compensate.

Part 1 - Wash

Part 2 - Rinse & Spin

Part 3 - Last 1.5 Mins of Spin - display says "Wash Finished - Have a Nice Day"

Post# 1033607 , Reply# 1   5/25/2019 at 17:23 (1,889 days old) by Frigilux (The Minnesota Prairie)        

frigilux's profile picture
As one of very few here who regularly uses a cycle employing spray rinses, I have to say that F&P nailed it. The tub rotates slowly as the well-aimed spray rinse saturates the load. Extract; repeat. Looks very effective.

Thanks for the video!

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