Thread Number: 79380  /  Tag: Modern Automatic Washers
How is this possible? Is it possible?
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Post# 1032936   5/18/2019 at 05:01 (2,095 days old) by chetlaham (United States)        

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Came across this picture on Google. Can this this actually happen? Or is it just staged?

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Post# 1032938 , Reply# 1   5/18/2019 at 05:35 (2,095 days old) by earthling177 (Boston, MA)        

Long and short of it is, I don't know either.

Then again, here's what I have seen people do: they put as many clothes inside the machines as they possibly could have _forced_ in.

To the point that at the end of the cycle, clothes on the top are *still* on the top and *dry*. Sometimes, as the water is filling the tub, the lid of the machine opens a fraction of an inch and then lid moves as the clothes are agitated.

I wouldn't put past the clothes to "decide" to fly between the top of the machine and the tub when the basket starts spinning, seen as they are clearly above the tub rim anyway and there's nothing there to hold them, and then fall on the bottom of the machine.

Then again, I've never opened the machines to check for that.

Have fun!

Post# 1032941 , Reply# 2   5/18/2019 at 07:16 (2,095 days old) by Lorainfurniture (Cleveland )        
That’s not staged

I see it all the time. That’s not even bad honestly

Post# 1032947 , Reply# 3   5/18/2019 at 07:58 (2,095 days old) by combo52 (50 Year Repair Tech Beltsville,Md)        
WE see this all the time

combo52's profile picture

And as Eugene said we see much worse, I have removed as many as 30 small pieces of clothing from the bottom of GE TL washers. It comes from sloppy careless loading and of course loading too much clothing and it just goes over the tub cover as the machine starts washing [ on these machines the entire tub assembly drops down over 2" once it has filled for wash and leaves a big gap at the top ]


We often get a service call when the clothing gets caught in the belt and the machine locks up, On the GE stacks the clothing gets caught and wound up around the motor cooling fan and rips the speed sensor off the motor and ruins the motor assembly, I wounder how many fires this has caused ?



Here is a GE top load washer that won a battle against a comforter

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Post# 1032975 , Reply# 4   5/18/2019 at 15:09 (2,095 days old) by GusHerb (Chicago/NWI)        

Well that doesn't surprise me. That gap always irked me. 

Post# 1032977 , Reply# 5   5/18/2019 at 15:32 (2,095 days old) by stricklybojack (South Hams Devon UK)        

stricklybojack's profile picture
I am working on a TOL GE “Right Height” machine now.
It seems rather nice except the chinsiness/ flimsiness factor is disconcerting for something at this price point. Somethings are solid, then a critical piece will be woefully under spec’d and failure prone.

Post# 1033007 , Reply# 6   5/19/2019 at 00:01 (2,095 days old) by tolivac (greenville nc)        

That washer shown looks like the insides of a DRYER!!!!Moral of the story-DO NOT try to do comforters in that washer!!!"We need a BIGGER washer"to go with on a famous quote from a movie--"We need a BIGGER boat!"

Post# 1033009 , Reply# 7   5/19/2019 at 00:19 (2,095 days old) by Maytag85 (Sean A806)        

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Stuffing a comforter in a washer is a way to destroy the washer and comforter. It’s better to just go to the laundromat and wash bulky bedding such as comforters and large bulky blankets. Since I have the Maytag A606 and DE306 as my only working machines, I am pretty diligent about not overloading the A606, and I might underload the A606 slightly, but I always try my best to be gentle with that machine along with the DE306 since it has a smaller capacity as well.

There might even be people who overload their LG top loaders, and try to stuff multiple comforters in them...

Post# 1033047 , Reply# 8   5/19/2019 at 05:57 (2,094 days old) by tolivac (greenville nc)        

OL the LG TL washer-figure this can lead to "spin-splode" incidents-if so cockpit error-NOT the washer.

Post# 1033151 , Reply# 9   5/19/2019 at 19:07 (2,094 days old) by Dustin92 (Jackson, MI)        

I've seen that before, a GE I took on trade was that bad if not worse. Wrapped around all the suspension rods, motor pulley, and belt. That isn't what stopped it though, a sock in the drain pump brought it to a halt. I've never seen this on any other washer, and I've put large comforters in small washers. Maybe even a design flaw? The tub on these washers is wider at the top than the bottom, so maybe a large load is essentially funneled upwards?

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