Thread Number: 79501  /  Tag: Modern Dryers
Speed Queen Service Manual Dryer ADGE9RGS Washer AWNE92SP
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Post# 1034007   5/30/2019 at 22:12 (1,971 days old) by dylanmitchell (Southern California)        

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Where can I find the service manual for my dryer and washer? I'd like to open up the dryer and clean the inside of the dryer if necessary. Looks like the cover is attached with a 5/16 hex washer screw but I'm not sure what else I'll need to take apart if anything. Also, if service should be done by a SQ tech I'm happy to pay them for it but like to do things myself when I can.

The owners manual says:

Every two years a qualified service person should remove all front
panels and vacuum the inside of the dryer.

We're in a small home and it's just two of us so we don't run a ton of loads maybe 4-5 a week sometimes a little more or little less so it may not have a ton of lint.

I downloaded the Installation Mnl, Parts Mnl, and Use and Care Mnl but want more detailed info. I want the dryer manual so I can do this cleanout and the washer manual in case I need it in the future.

Dryer ADGE9RGS113TW01 Washer AWNE92SP113TW01


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