Thread Number: 79601  /  Tag: Modern Automatic Washers
My Frigemore Is Acting Up
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Post# 1035018   6/10/2019 at 18:43 (2,050 days old) by washabear (Maryland)        

Hi all:

This might be a bit long, so bear with me. I think my Kenmore-branded Frigemore front loader is starting to fail. It still works fine but has developed a very loud, roaring spin. No thumping or banging, just a very loud roar. I'm wondering whether the bearing is starting to give out.

The washer is 11 years old, so it has lasted pretty well, considering what I have read about these machines. Even so, I would be unhappy to part with it because I have liked it so much. They aren't made anymore, so getting another one like it is out of the question, and I'm not inclined to spend $800+ for a new, current machine that probably won't work as well and won't last as long. So my question is whether I should try to fix it.

Apparently, to replace the bearing, you have to buy the outer tub assembly with the bearing built in. I have seen them available for about $300. I watched a repair video, which shows how to do it step by step. It looks straightforward, but I have never attempted a repair like this before, so I'm not sure whether it's something I should try, since it involves taking everything apart and then putting it all back together. I'm afraid I'll puncture something or break something in the process.

Any advice on whether I should think about doing this or let it go? If I could be able to keep this machine going for another 11 years for $300, I would be very happy. Also, if anyone thinks the problem might be caused by something else, I would be grateful to know that as well.


Post# 1035023 , Reply# 1   6/10/2019 at 18:59 (2,050 days old) by Yogitunes (New Jersey)        

yogitunes's profile picture
roaring during spin = bearing failure

easy enough just to replace the bearings and seals....I got the complete package off ebay for around 20.00....

this guy will give you some insight to replacing them....

I have done two so far....take your time through it, it will run smooth and quiet afterwards....

the one I did for Mark was super clean inside, everything came apart as if it was brand it purrs like a kitten.....granted he only washes in hot or warm water, gain detergent, bleach when needed....

you should have attended the wash-in at Jerry's this past weekend....we could have had that thing rebuilt in no time...

Post# 1035032 , Reply# 2   6/10/2019 at 19:34 (2,049 days old) by sfh074 ( )        
Just did it yesterday ....

Got a bearing and seal kit on fleabay for $19.00. Mine was an Amana/Maytag unit with most parts NLA, but there are bearing kits for most any model on ebay.

Took a few hours on the weekend but not a bad job overall. I bet you can remove the bearings and not have to buy the whole tub half. Just take your time and take pictures along the way for those areas when reassembly could be a bit confusing.

Post# 1035051 , Reply# 3   6/10/2019 at 22:37 (2,049 days old) by IowaBear (Cedar Rapids, IA)        

iowabear's profile picture

That is a great repair video!  Enjoyed watching it even though I don't have one of these machines.

Post# 1035057 , Reply# 4   6/11/2019 at 02:09 (2,049 days old) by MattL (Flushing, MI)        

Yep, I've done bearings a few times, need to do one now.  I discounted the kits on ebay, went for higher quality bearings, but it's not really the bearings that go bad it's the seal.  So this time I"ll go for the cheaper version and hope to get another 8 years out of it.

Post# 1035060 , Reply# 5   6/11/2019 at 03:43 (2,049 days old) by washabear (Maryland)        

Thanks for the information and video. This is very helpful.

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