Thread Number: 79711  /  Tag: Modern Automatic Washers
Non-tilted, horizontal drum front load washers
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Post# 1036109   6/22/2019 at 11:16 (1,915 days old) by volarix (California)        

Hello everyone. I was just wondering, what current front load washers don't have a tilted drum? I know Speed Queen and Miele front loaders are some of them, but do any of the normal/American sized front loaders still have a horizontal drum?


A year ago we bought a Kenmore front loader (rebadged LG with Turbo Wash) and noticed the drum is tilted back. Our previous washer (a GE front loader with a 3.5 cu. ft drum) had a perfectly horizontal drum. We still have both washers (I moved the GE to the garage) and have noticed some differences over the past year that have made me prefer horizontal drums:

---The clothes sometimes get tangled in the LG. I feel this is because the clothes move back and forth in a tilted drum (they all seem to pile up in the rear of the drum when it's finished).

---The LG loses its balance more easily. If it's not a perfectly balanced load, it wastes time to balance it. With a tilted drum, not only does the drum shake side to side, but also back and forth because of the way the drum is tilted. In the GE, you can throw a heavy floor mat by itself and it spun it at full speed without ever shaking or wasting time on balancing it.

---I feel manufacturers tilt the drum to use less water. Tilted drums create a small puddle at the rear of the drum, where as a horizontal drum has a small puddle all across the width of the drum (which Speed Queen and Miele likes to boast about). To me this means all the clothes get evenly wet/cleaned during the whole wash, not just the clothes piled up in the rear of a tilted drum. Which leads me to the following:

---The GE was, without a doubt, gentler on clothes. I believe this is because of the water/tangling issues I described above. The LG has destroyed pillows and caused a few tiny nicks in our polyester clothing. In the 6+ years that we regularly used the GE, we never saw any damage whatsoever to our clothing. I think this is due to clothing constantly hitting a dry drum in the LG, where as in the GE there's always a soft landing (puddle of water) at the bottom).


Even with all those points above, I still like our Kenmore/LG. It's fast, has great wash/rinse performance (especially since it has different wash actions, Turbo Wash (Accela Wash on Kenmore) water recirculation, spray rinse, etc. However, I feel it would be a lot better if it had a horizontal drum.

I found the following about horizontal drums from Speed Queen:

Post# 1036117 , Reply# 1   6/22/2019 at 13:47 (1,915 days old) by nmassman44 (Brooksville Florida)        

nmassman44's profile picture
The Electrolux 527 washer that I have does use a true horizontal drum. I find that it doesn’t have balancing issues like my LG 3570 washer has with some loads. And yes there is ungodly tangling at times with the LG washer, notably with jeans and shirts. The LG does clean well and I use the Turbowash setting on every load to save time and to keep the detergent moving thru the washer. But, the LG washer does take longer to balance a load like towels. I can wash almost 3 loads of laundry in the Electrolux washer and the LG is still doing it’s thing with a towel load...the LG washer will display 1:15 for a wash time, but in reality the washer will clock in at over 3 hours to get the load done...and the washer is not packed or overloaded with towels either. That’s also using the Towels cycle too.
The Electrolux washer does an amazing job at washing and stain removal. I can use detergent Pods without having to worry if the pod dissolves right. The washer rarely tangles a load and it’s as fast as a top load washer with most loads. I do love this washer and I know. A Select few that put their noses up in the air and poo poo the brand, but so far I have not had any issues with the washer or dryer.

Post# 1036129 , Reply# 2   6/22/2019 at 18:14 (1,914 days old) by RP2813 (Sannazay)        

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Our 2009 Frigidaire Affinity washer had a 3.5 cf horizontal drum.  It cleaned well, tangled items weren't a common issue, but it was horrible at balancing even though I regularly checked and confirmed that the machine itself was perfectly level.  I stopped washing throw rugs in it because it would give up after over half an hour of trying, and simply end the cycle without spinning.


A year ago we moved into a place that had an older Maytag Neptune FL washer.  The tub on that machine is smaller and tilted back.  It never has a problem balancing and processes loads of laundry in about half the time that it took the Affinity.


We had a 2007 Whirlpool Duet HT with a tilted tub, and that one didn't have the chronic balancing issues that the Affinity did, nor did it tangle things.


So go figure.  Like many members here say about their experiences with various contraptions, your mileage may vary.

Post# 1036141 , Reply# 3   6/22/2019 at 19:58 (1,914 days old) by neptunebob (Pittsburgh, PA)        

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If your polyester pants (which I have not seen since the 70s) are getting nicked, maybe it's time to switch to Dockers.  Pete Buttigeg wears them and he gets cheers at all of his rallies.

Post# 1036147 , Reply# 4   6/22/2019 at 22:30 (1,914 days old) by IowaBear (Cedar Rapids, IA)        

iowabear's profile picture

The only FL I have owned is the Maytag Neptune which has the tilted drum.


With the staggered paddles and relatively generous water usage it manages to create good wash action at the front of the drum.  There are plenty of videos on YouTube showing it running with the door open or with GoPro cameras...plenty of splashing.


For newer designs that are super-stingy with water maybe the horizontal drum would be better.



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