Thread Number: 79740  /  Tag: Modern Dishwashers
New DW and Dryer... EVENTUALLY! :D
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Post# 1036399   6/26/2019 at 02:18 (1,945 days old) by MatthewZA (Cape Town, South Africa)        

Hi All!

It eventually happened. We eventually got a BRAND NEW dishwasher and tumble dryer.

The 9 YO LG dishwasher was just not washing properly at all (I did everything -finish machine cleaner, soaked the spray arms in the bath with hot water, vinegar and bicarb, changed detergents, only used the long cycle, but no luck) It was leaving ghost stains on all the mugs, a horrible residue on drinking glasses, and really struggled with pots and oven dishes. We couldnt use the quick cycle unless we did thorough pre rinsing, the 3:28 eco cycle didnt do much either (after almost 4 hours in the DW, my coffee mugs still werent clean), so we were eventually only running the 2:45 auto cycle,but still werent getting dishes as clean as we would expect. Handwashing delievred better results. It was just the most annoying and slightly depressing feeling ever, having a DW that didnt wash!

So in May, after hinting/venting to my mom, she offered to help us purchase a brand new machine. So I managed to sell the LG (might have had to lie about its age and why I was selling...) and my fiance added some money to that and my mom added to it too, and then on Friday 3 May I was off to the shops before work.

I had done some research as to whats the cheapest new DW on the market, and that was the entry level 12 place Defy (Beko) for ZAR4000. But I wanted a decent entry level machine. My cousin and my fiances mother both have Bosch Serie4 dishwashers, and I must say they are great, but out of my price range, and the Bosch Serie2 just didnt appeal to me. But then I found out interestingly enough, the entry level Siemens iq100, is only ZAR4500 and blows the Defy out of the water. So I decided that is what I will get. As much as I would love an LG Quadwash, the ZAR10000 price tag is just far from our reach right now.

But being the bargain hunter I am, I didnt want to pay ZAR4500 for my DW. So I called Bosch, and got the address for their scratch and dent shop, which stocks Bosch & Siemens products. And what a bargain I got! They had quite a few of the iq100's, with varrying levels of cosmetic defect, but all selling for only ZAR3100. Keep in mind these are brand new and have never been used, just damaged and couldnt be sold in the main stores.

But then I saw they had the Bosch Serie2 condenser dryers for only ZAR2800 (they retail for ZAR7400 in the stores) and when we moved into our new apartment, we realised we need a condenser because of where the dryer stands. But they are expensive and I have never used 1, so I was hesitant about buying a used 1, or forking out for a new 1 and then possibly not liking it.

Well, I negotiated with the shop manager, and she gave me the DW and the dryer for ZAR5500 for the pair! I couldnt refuse that, so I took the dryer too. But I still had the 13 YO LG vented at home incase I didnt like the bosch.

Well, after almost 2 months, I am so glad I made the jump. The DW is the best I have ever used (SPARKLING dishes in under an hour!), and I love the dryer. I have sold the 13 YO LG dryer. There was no issue with it, and I loved it, but it just left the kitchen cupboards dripping with water, so it had to get replaced with a condenser.

I reviwed both on Bosch and Siemens websites in order to enter the draw to win a small appliance from each brand, so please see review in the links below, and also see attached pictures.

Feel free to ask any questions!

I reviewed under the name, Matt The Laundry Guy


And yes, even though I reviewed for competition purposes, I was still 100% honest.

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Post# 1036412 , Reply# 1   6/26/2019 at 07:21 (1,945 days old) by jamiel (Detroit, Michigan & Palm Springs, CA)        

jamiel's profile picture
Great job. Question...are appliances dual-labelled in Afrikaans? Or is there an overlay you can get? Or is it just not an issue any more?

Post# 1036417 , Reply# 2   6/26/2019 at 08:34 (1,945 days old) by MatthewZA (Cape Town, South Africa)        
Afrikaans Labels...

Great question, Jamie. The need for Afrikaans labels has pretty much disappeared. Pretty much no appliances have had Afrikaans dual-labelling or overlays since the end of Apartheid, if not even sooner (I'm only a '95 baby), but all the appliances I can remember seeing when I was younger that had the dual-labelling, were quite old, even back then. The very 1st washing machine I have memory of, my mother's trusty Defy Automaid FL, had dual labelling on the dispenser off all the programmes. She probably bought that machine not long before '95, So I would say it was a very common thing in the 70s and 80s, but its completely disappeared now.

I used to buy and sell appliances when I was in high school, and I remember that Bosch used to include an overlay for their washing machine timers that converted the symbols for cottons, synthetics, wool, etc, into words. So if a picture of a t-shirt made no sense to you, you would stick the overlay over your timer, and it had "cottons" written on it, instead of a symbol. But even that has disappeared as most manufactureres seem to just word everything these days anyway

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