Thread Number: 79784  /  Tag: Modern Automatic Washers
WP Direct Drive Agitator Issues (GSW9800PW2)
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Post# 1036851   7/1/2019 at 17:31 (2,051 days old) by shanenc14 (Tennessee, USA)        

I have a Whirlpool Gold Ultimate Care II, and am having an issue with the agitator. I have bypassed the lid switch until I get this issue figured out. When the washer is spinning the upper part of the agitator has a vibration/wobble to it, making the softener dispenser useless because by the time the 1st spin is over, the majority of the softener has been slung out. I have installed a new agitator repair kit (Part#: 285809), which helped slightly, but not nearly enough to resolve the issue. Anyone with an idea on what I should replace, please let me know, and if possible, provide part numbers so that I can get this issue resolved. The washer model # is GSW9800PW2

Thanks for any help you guys can provide!

Post# 1036981 , Reply# 1   7/2/2019 at 18:52 (2,050 days old) by lotsosudz (Sacramento, CA)        

lotsosudz's profile picture
It would help, if you would send pics of the washer, and of the agitator. Then the experts would be able to give you the correct advise.

Post# 1036983 , Reply# 2   7/2/2019 at 19:07 (2,050 days old) by DADoES (TX, U.S. of A.)        

dadoes's profile picture
Most of the augers wobble to some amount but not so much to affect dispensing.  Maybe the softener cup is loose / askew inside the housing?

Post# 1038235 , Reply# 3   7/14/2019 at 16:50 (2,038 days old) by shanenc14 (Tennessee, USA)        

Problem solved! I replaced the plastic thrust washer between the upper and lower agitator, and the auger is now stabalized and functioning correctly! :) Thanks to all who responded!

Post# 1038237 , Reply# 4   7/14/2019 at 17:26 (2,038 days old) by DADoES (TX, U.S. of A.)        

dadoes's profile picture
Ahh, yes, I've seen those worn down/through to a thin ring.

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