Thread Number: 798
Early 60's GE combo found
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Post# 51399   12/19/2004 at 20:47 (7,334 days old) by kennywhy (Cathedral City, CA)        

Hi Guys,
Hope everyone’s doing OK. Long time no post, I know.
While I always check in on what’s going on in the Applianceville website from the sidelines, admittedly my interest in old appliances has sort of waned. Occasionally however, I come across a machine that I can’t refuse.
I got a call for a friend and neighbor who handles estate sales. He told me about an early 1960’s(?) GE combo washer-dryer in good shape that was available. To make a long story short, after testing it in its previous home (seemed to work OK!), I purchased it for $250. (Model # 1WD 860Y2G Serial #XY300 300). I think it about the same year as John Lefever’s black kitchen under-counter built-in combo model, but I’ve got the rear top-of-the-cabinet control dials. It’s an all porcelain turquoise machine in truly mint condition. Now it’s in my basement and about to be hooked up.
However, I’ve got the same electrical plug change to take care of that I’ve handled before. Again I’m going from the older three prong 220 wire currently on the machine, to a new 4 prong 220 wire and outlet. I just need to make sure I’ve got it right! I did the same change on my 1952 Frigidaire Filtrator dryer. Just want to make sure it’s all the same with this machine!
The GE combo electrical block has yellow, white and black terminals. There is a brass strap going from the white (neutral) connection to the steel plate at the back of the block (which also in directly attached or welded to the chassis) There is a green ground wire going from a screw on this SAME plate to a screw on the chassis of the machine.
The new cord has black, white, red and green wires. Obviously it’s black to black, and white to white. I assume the new red will connect to the old yellow terminal, and the green to the chassis or body of the machine. Forgive my ignorance, but the white neutral on the combo also connects to the same steel block back plate as a green ground wire does, and where I was going to connect the new green wire. Any problem here? Or is correct and OK to go ahead? All comments would be appreciated. Hope I’ve got it right. Please let me know if it’s not.
Early happy, healthy (and appliance find) New Year wishes to all!

Post# 51411 , Reply# 1   12/19/2004 at 21:21 (7,334 days old) by coldspot66 (Plymouth, Mass)        

I'm pretty sure that you remove the grounding strap that is attached to the neutral terminal and cabinet and connect the white neutral wire of the pigtail to the center terminal of the machine terminal block and the green ground wire from the pigtail to the external ground screw fastened to the machine.

Post# 51418 , Reply# 2   12/19/2004 at 21:36 (7,334 days old) by frontaloadotmy (the cool gay realm)        
60's Combo

Hurry post a pic!!!

Post# 51420 , Reply# 3   12/19/2004 at 21:54 (7,333 days old) by gansky1 (Omaha, The Home of the TV Dinner!)        

gansky1's profile picture
Congrats Ken - wonderful find, and in turquoise!!

Coldspot is correct - the green is the grounding wire, you can remove the brass strap completely or just connect the green wire from the cord to the same screw as the strap.

Have a great New Year with "Piece by Piece" washing action!!


Post# 51425 , Reply# 4   12/19/2004 at 22:22 (7,333 days old) by appnut (TX)        

appnut's profile picture
Ken an awesome congratulations. Another combo saved!!! And Turqoise. Same color I saw in a GE kitchen when I was 10.

Post# 51426 , Reply# 5   12/19/2004 at 22:26 (7,333 days old) by Unimatic1140 (Minneapolis)        

unimatic1140's profile picture
Hey Ken, what a great find that is. The GE combos are very fun, splashy washers, it puts on a great show, enjoy it. Let us know how its working.

Post# 51438 , Reply# 6   12/20/2004 at 08:23 (7,333 days old) by gregm ()        

they are great washers and fun to watch .......... and you found one in turquoise no less, .... awesome ........

Post# 51445 , Reply# 7   12/20/2004 at 10:25 (7,333 days old) by lightedcontrols ()        

Ken!!! C O N G R A T U L A T I O N S !!! Seems the bug got you again! Can't wait to see it!!! Mark

Post# 51457 , Reply# 8   12/20/2004 at 17:47 (7,333 days old) by Jetcone (Schenectady-Home of Calrods,Monitor Tops,Toroid Transformers)        
Yin & Yang

jetcone's profile picture
Hi Ken nice to see you surface again, I too go through cycles of interest and right now I am in one heck of an interest!!! I have neglected my Xmas card duties to keep working on my 1958 Philco Bendix Combo! Work, work, work.

What a great find!! Does it have the high mount backsplash on the pedestals?? Send pix immediately!!


Post# 51516 , Reply# 9   12/21/2004 at 11:54 (7,332 days old) by kennywhy (Cathedral City, CA)        
GE combo update

Just to answer and update . . .

In regard to the GE combo rewiring, it was obviously a matter of just disconnecting the brass jumper from the white terminal and isolating the green to the chassis to complete the correct updated wiring. Duh . . . just didn't see it for myself! I'll get to it this weekend.

Sorry, I still don't own a digital camera to attach a photo of the machine to my post. No USB connection on my older computer either. I'll try to borrow a camera from a friend and get a shot attached to a future post.

Greg: When you say "one piece at a time", will it really only handle a couple of items in a reasonable time? Not that I intend to stuff it full of clothes of course.

Jon: Yes, it's the machine that has two pedestals supporting the console. Looks something like the Frigidaire Tower console era. Maybe late 1950's, if not early sixties. Wonder if it's the first year for the GE combo washer-dryer. (Model WD1) I'll call GE to try to find out exactly how old it is. Or would anyone out there know when they came out?

One other question – the interior of the glass window has lost some its smoothness and shine around the edges. Any recommendations for a product, or is there any way of restoring it or polishing it up?

Thanks again (and again)

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