Thread Number: 79810  /  Tag: Modern Automatic Washers
Duet F20 and slow leak
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Post# 1037045   7/3/2019 at 17:21 (2,026 days old) by Wishwash (Indiana)        

My Duet has occasionally thrown an F20 code for some time now. Today I came home to find water in the tub and a slow trickle from the fill spout. I’m reading it could be either the fill valve or the pressure switch. How can I diagnose which without throwing parts at it?

Post# 1037049 , Reply# 1   7/3/2019 at 17:34 (2,026 days old) by henene4 (Heidenheim a.d. Brenz (Germany))        

Would suspect the water valve, cold side probably.

A broken valve often has verry wonky behaviour, sometimes not opening at all (F20 should be a no fill error code) or not closing properly (water in the tub).

At least a failing pressure switch wouldn't cause water in a switched off machine...

Post# 1037303 , Reply# 2   7/6/2019 at 10:23 (2,023 days old) by wishwash (Indiana)        

Just replaced the valve. Leak seems to be fixed, but the machine entered the rinse cycle and threw an F20 code. Just put it on a rinse only and it gives the code again. Never seems to do this on the wash cycle... odd. Guess next is the pressure switch?

Post# 1037332 , Reply# 3   7/6/2019 at 17:02 (2,023 days old) by Launderess (Quiet Please, There´s a Lady on Stage)        
Did you clear the code/reset the machine?

launderess's profile picture
Most of these new fangled electronically controlled washers require not just replacing a part/correcting a fault that causes a code, but the machine must also be reset to clear said error/fault before machine will operate normally.

See also:

Post# 1038873 , Reply# 4   7/20/2019 at 19:27 (2,009 days old) by Wishwash (Indiana)        

Machine was indeed reset. I was able to get it to complete a cycle after multiple tries. Now it refuses to. Culprit seems to be the flow meter. Pressure switch is confirmed working. Not sure why Whirlpool put so many possible faults under the F-20 code alone. It really makes diagnoses a pain.

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