Thread Number: 79850  /  Tag: Modern Automatic Washers
"had to go and buy a new washer"
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Post# 1037504   7/8/2019 at 13:07 (1,948 days old) by vacerator (Macomb, Michigan)        

Saturday, our almost 9 year old "Whirltag" Bravos X VMV top loader first stopped agitating on the rinse, then in the wash cycle for the following load.
I ran recalibration which made no difference.
Done with Whirlpoo washers.
So getting a 2019 model Samsung 4.5 cu. ft. front loader with steam.
HD has 40% off, same as Samsung, and our power company has a $50 rebate.
Sale price is $649. We paid $500 in 2010 for our present washer. Performance reviews are excellent, and I doubt the bearings will fail before 5 years, as we only do on average of a load every other day, or two days.
The micro switch buttons have been replaced with a smooth touch style, as you see on a higher end microwave, dishwasher, or range.
Couldn't be any worse, for sure, and junk is junk at any price.

Post# 1037574 , Reply# 1   7/9/2019 at 05:46 (1,947 days old) by askolover (South of Nash Vegas, TN)        

askolover's profile picture

Good luck!  Done with Samsung washers!

Post# 1037594 , Reply# 2   7/9/2019 at 11:23 (1,947 days old) by vacerator (Macomb, Michigan)        
Ok Greg,

A Miele with 20 year bearings costs upwards of $2 grand. We're both over age 55.
If we have to buy one more machine in a decade or so, and another in one more, well, do the math.
Thank's for the heads up though. These are assembled in the new plant in Newberry, S.C., so at least it's revenue for the US, and that county, and jobs.
Yours came from Korea, or Mexico?
I'd also rather support a Korean company over China.
Our gym has an LG, and a Samsung and both have outlasted their old Duets, and later Whirlpools. They are used every day to wash towels.
We overhauled our matching Bravos X dryer our selves, so I figure we're doin' ok in the wallet.

Post# 1037666 , Reply# 3   7/9/2019 at 20:10 (1,947 days old) by askolover (South of Nash Vegas, TN)        

askolover's profile picture

Ours was made in Korea.  It just wouldn't spin so it was returned to the store.  Everything can be hit or miss now days.  Hope it works well for you though.

Post# 1037668 , Reply# 4   7/9/2019 at 21:00 (1,947 days old) by combo52 (50 Year Repair Tech Beltsville,Md)        
Best Bets For New washers

combo52's profile picture

Hi Mike, you just went from one of the worst TL machines to one of the worst FL washers, Samsung has been one of the worst laundry appliances  for well over a decade now.


If you can't afford a Speed Queen FL washer then a WP-MT is your next best bet, but if you must buy Chinese at least get an LG. [ Note almost all LG & SS laundry appliances are built in China now, look at the model tag on your new SS ]


Miele is not in the running unless you need a compact washer and have money to burn.


John L.

Post# 1037671 , Reply# 5   7/9/2019 at 21:33 (1,947 days old) by stricklybojack (South Hams Devon UK)        

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I have a Samsung refrigerator that has really worked out.
However I just repaired a Samsung dryer that needed a new upgraded two bearing idler pulley, belt, all the rollers cleaned to operate right, and a new motor! First time I have seen a bad motor on a dryer. Got it for free, but wished i’d taken the really old dented top filter Kenmore instead, that was also offered to me. The Samsung was incredibly dirty inside, lived a hard life, kept outside.
That said, quality got so bad I think Samsung has had to up their game. I do like the look of some of their recent washers and dryers.
Enjoy your purchase, cared for it will no doubt be fine.

Post# 1037740 , Reply# 6   7/10/2019 at 14:58 (1,946 days old) by vacerator (Macomb, Michigan)        
I'll find out tomorrow

when it is delivered, and I'll let ya know John. New Samsung major appliance plant is in Newberry S.C.
Whirltag parts mainly come from Mexico, last I knew. Samsung is not Chinese, but some parts may be from China. GE parts are mainly China now. Could have got a GE 4.5 cu. ft. for same price. Pedestal was a bit less. I even saw a Galianz refrigerator from China. I don't like what the Hong Kong citizens are being subjected to in Chinese totalitarian rule. They are standing up for them selves though. Teniemen Square uprising was almost 50 years ago. Most millenials don't even know about it, nor care. I learned that are few masters because many are slaves, or are many slaves because few are masters.
So, in making a decision, if I could in any way know which companies my pension plan, or hubbies 401k is invested in, that's what we'd buy, but we do not. So, to hedge the retirement planning best we can, we opened a new 13 month CD yesterday which pays a yield of 1.9%. Not great, but better than .8% of a standard account. I had to dump my dads annuity, and IRA last year after the markets declined to avoid losing much, and paying fees and taxes even though I wasn't withdrawing anything. Estate tax and IRA witholdings vary by state, unless you request a special form to send in, which takes extra time, during which you can lose hundreds or thousands.
Speed Queen is, or was owned by a Wisconsin teachers union.
I don't know of a local dealer anymore even.
Neither Lowes nor Home Depot have any Electrolux on the sales floor. They are Canadian Frigidaire in design, or were, and terrible, so knew to stay clear of those.
Seems the only durable goods to invest in today is real estate, and even that is risky. Vehicles depreciate, unless its a classic, or an exotic. You do not win. You are taken to the cleaners wether you lease or purchase.
My career role model Mr. Lee Iaccoca is being laid to rest today. I ran my departments at my company based on his books I read. He said satisfy the customer, the lines keep the money moving, and the money keeps the lines moving, and was not anti labor.
He predicted we'd soon be leaving the kids not the estate, but the mortgages back in the 90's., and the major financial crash of 2008. His style of management and ethics are all but defunct today. I suspect this is why he steered clear of politics.
Known as father of the Mustang, LTD, Gran Torino, and more affordable T-Bird of 1977, Henry Ford II fired him shortly after it's summer debut. He told him, "I just don't like you." Lee was cfo, and senior vice president, and in line for president, and Ford is a family owned entity, and did not appoint highest offices to non relatives then.
Another car guy, and not just a bean counter was John Z. DeLorean. He pioneered the Pontiac GTO, Grand Prix, Chev. Monte Carlo, and other 70's colonade coupes.
When GM announced the X cars for 1980, he was very disenchanted. That was the onset of the real malaise era, when cars began lacking much style.

Post# 1037863 , Reply# 7   7/11/2019 at 12:16 (1,945 days old) by deltablu (Eastern South Dakota)        

It's funny you mention the new Samsung U.S. plant. We've been getting several LG laundry products in lately that are also now being made in the U.S. plant as well. The LG (Korean company) products we've gotten in the past have been primarily manufactured in Vietnam, Korea, and China. It's nice to see at least some of that work coming stateside.

Regarding GE, it's interesting that right now, more of the GE product we have on the floor is manufactured in the U.S. than it was 10 years ago, when it wasn't owned by a Chinese company. To be fair, that changeover started before GE sold to Haier, but they haven't torpedoed that relationship (yet.) The Louisville, Kentucky built French-doors are some of the best products we have to sell in that price range.

The VMW has been a sad replacement for the direct-drive in TL machines. Unfortunately we've also had really bad luck with their FL machines too. Certainly worse results than the LGs and SQs.

Post# 1037880 , Reply# 8   7/11/2019 at 14:04 (1,945 days old) by vacerator (Macomb, Michigan)        
Still awaiting delivery by 5 p.m.-----------Yes Ken,

I'm aware of more GE's being assembled stateside. Is the parts warehouse at Appliance Park rebuilt since the fire a few years back?
Our 2007 model Profile dual fuel slide in rage came from CAMCO (Canada), and we've had a couple repairs done. The parts left behind by the tech are made in China, including the lock-out valve for the gas. Burner heads are from MABE in Mexico.
China doesn't produce sub world class quality anymore. I just would not like to see them take over the world and dominate us with totalitarianism. It seems at times to me our nation is being weakened from within. So much violence, drug abuse,
and youngster uninterested in higher education. Many want it all yesterday, without starting at the bottom and climbing the ladder.
Experts in the tech. fields say that whom ever wins the technology war will dominate the world. It looks right now like it will be China.
They know all too well what hunger is. Chairman Mao took over the farms before the cities. I've never been against hard work, but mess with my freedom of expression, choices, diversity, right to protect my life with certain weapons, and we'll have issues. I also don't know about all this artificial intelligence.
Fact always turns out stranger than fiction. Terminator films, etc. Scary stuff.
Vladmir Putin also remembers hunger in excess in Russia. They had to buy wheat from us in 1977. Hence, that wall was already coming down by 1985. Soon after that, Polish solidaansk "solidarity" led by a shipyard electrician Lec Walecza in Gdansk helped escalate it. Putin is from the KGB, and the days of Soviet rule. He wants the Ukrane because it's the breadbasket of eastern Europe, and was under Soviet control.

Post# 1037891 , Reply# 9   7/11/2019 at 15:55 (1,945 days old) by vacerator (Macomb, Michigan)        
Arrived a half an hour ago.

"Assembled in USA" on the back panel. I have it connected, just need to level the front legs.

Post# 1037962 , Reply# 10   7/12/2019 at 06:37 (1,944 days old) by foraloysius (Leeuwarden, Friesland, the Netherlands)        

foraloysius's profile picture
Congratulations on the new washer. Samsung doesn't have a good reputation here, but on other websites often gets good reviews. Hope that this machine works well for you. Is this your first front loader?

Post# 1037974 , Reply# 11   7/12/2019 at 10:09 (1,944 days old) by vacerator (Macomb, Michigan)        
Thank's Louis,

yes, it's our first front loader. I've washed three loads, and so far pleased.
It's very quiet. In highest 1200 r.p.m. spin, it's about as loud as a car car doing 70 m.p.h. with windows up.
Any clue what the jingle song is it plays upon cycle finish?

Post# 1037988 , Reply# 12   7/12/2019 at 13:16 (1,944 days old) by foraloysius (Leeuwarden, Friesland, the Netherlands)        

foraloysius's profile picture
"How dry I am"?

Post# 1037993 , Reply# 13   7/12/2019 at 15:39 (1,944 days old) by vacerator (Macomb, Michigan)        
Oh, that would be so fitting,

but not it. It's Die Forelle by Franz Shubert.

Post# 1037995 , Reply# 14   7/12/2019 at 16:30 (1,944 days old) by foraloysius (Leeuwarden, Friesland, the Netherlands)        

foraloysius's profile picture
So it's more How wet I am than How dry I am. lol

Post# 1038043 , Reply# 15   7/13/2019 at 09:32 (1,943 days old) by vacerator (Macomb, Michigan)        
He he, yes,

perhaps. How wet I'll be if I don't find the bathroom key.
Wet, but not washed up, unlike certain people I see in the news as of late, or hope they will soon be. Arrogant, and omnipotent to many faults.
I've had to wear a pad on occasion while exercising as I drink a lot of water, but I sleep well, at least 5 to 6 solid hours, not only 4 to 5, and only wake once on average to pee with no problem voiding.

Post# 1038074 , Reply# 16   7/13/2019 at 18:22 (1,943 days old) by johnb300m (Chicago)        

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Can we keep the news and politics out of here please?!

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