Thread Number: 79856  /  Tag: Modern Automatic Washers
Neptune Valve Chatter
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Post# 1037602   7/9/2019 at 13:07 (1,844 days old) by potatochips ( )        

Anyone have issues on the MAH3000 or 4000 Neptunes with water valves chattering?


I replaced the water valves, and tried a backup timer but occasionally as the machine is working its way through the cycle and hits a timer increment to fill, sometimes the valves chatter a bit before fully opening. Like pulse, pulse, pulse, fill. The washer will fill normally but sometimes with hesitation at first. Could be no pulses to about three. Now according to the wiring diagram, the temp controls go through the board so the next logical step in this thing is the board being the issue.


Has any Neptune user ever experienced chattering fill valves?

Post# 1037649 , Reply# 1   7/9/2019 at 17:53 (1,844 days old) by Eronie (Flushing Michigan)        

Temp sensor is out of range.

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