Thread Number: 79883  /  Tag: Modern Dryers
Kenmore 11087572110 gas dryer coil replacement.
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Post# 1037908   7/11/2019 at 17:52 (1,842 days old) by Addle (Monmouth Co, NJ)        

Kenmore 11087572110 gas dryer coil replacement.

I watched the video below about replacement of the gas valve coils. The video claimed there was an important spacer for one of the coils. When I disassembled the coils on my dryer I was careful to look for the spacer but I did not find any spacer. Is it possible that my dryer does not need one? Why was it designed with a spacer, maybe some valves do not need a spacer? I already ordered the suggested replacement parts but was wondering if y'all think it will work or is it hopeless.

At 4:10 He shows a spacer that I do not think was on my Dryer.

This is the coil kit I ordered.

Post# 1037920 , Reply# 1   7/11/2019 at 18:35 (1,842 days old) by Repairguy (Danbury, Texas)        

repairguy's profile picture
The spacer is on the coil closest to the front of the machine if I remember correctly. Sometimes it comes off with the old coil.

Post# 1039089 , Reply# 2   7/22/2019 at 13:00 (1,831 days old) by Addle (Monmouth Co, NJ)        
I got a spacer, still doesn't work.

I bought a used valve figuring I could use that spacer. The gas valve does not appear to have opened.

I waved an iron knife over the coils. The coils appear to be activated. The igniter lights up. But then the igniter turns off. I do hear a click, but no gas.

Is there a way to 'jump' the heat sensor and force it to let gas through just to see if it is the sensor?

Otherwise, I may try to either replace the valve or the entire assembly ($40 + 1 week). Maybe it is time to throw in the towel?

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