Thread Number: 79937  /  Tag: Modern Dryers
Speed Queen Gas Dryer DR5000WG
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Post# 1038459   7/16/2019 at 19:41 (1,837 days old) by Blackstone (Springfield, Massachusetts)        

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I would have added this to the "New Speed Queen TC5" thread, but that seemed to be getting rather long.

Just got delivery today of new Speed Queen gas dryer, DR5000WG. So far, so good. I like the wide-diameter, stainless steel drum. Reversible door (tomorrow's project).

I had decided that I did not want to invest any more time/money into my 37-year-old SQ dryer. Bad motor. Swallowed my pride, and purchased this new one at Manny's in Wilbraham, Mass., for $900. Fair price??

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Post# 1038460 , Reply# 1   7/16/2019 at 19:46 (1,837 days old) by combo52 (50 Year Repair Tech Beltsville,Md)        
New SQ Gas Dryer

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Hi Fred, this should be a good longed lived dryer, should easily last as long as the old one.


Note;the drum etc is galvanized steel not SS.


You should rework the vent just above the control panel, it is best not to have 2 90 degree elbows next to each other for best airflow.


John L.

Post# 1038466 , Reply# 2   7/16/2019 at 21:07 (1,836 days old) by Blackstone (Springfield, Massachusetts)        

blackstone's profile picture

Good point about the vents. Looks like I have 2 jobs tomorrow.


Post# 1038511 , Reply# 3   7/17/2019 at 09:19 (1,836 days old) by Blackstone (Springfield, Massachusetts)        

blackstone's profile picture
2 questions:

1. For future reference, is it easier to replace the belt through the bottom front panel, or through the back panel?
2. This is the wiring diagram for the old SQ dryer. I suspect the motor is bad, but I want to test it, without blowing more fuses. What should the resistance readings be across various motor/switch terminals?


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Post# 1038519 , Reply# 4   7/17/2019 at 11:08 (1,836 days old) by combo52 (50 Year Repair Tech Beltsville,Md)        
SQ Dryer Questions

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Hi Fred, to change the belt you have to take the front off to get the new belt around the drum, I have long enough arms to do the whole thing from the front, for some techs it is easier to remove the back motor panel to thread the belt on the motor pulley and idler.


Best way to test the old motor is to connect 120 volts to terminals # 4&6 and see how it runs and sounds.


John L.

Post# 1038559 , Reply# 5   7/17/2019 at 20:15 (1,836 days old) by twintubdexter (Palm Springs)        

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Thanks for the tip that the drum is galvanized steel, not stainless. Although my new Speed Queens are still in the garage and may never get see electricity, water or gas, when I took a "look/see" in the dryer, I thought it looked like garbage can, a new one, but still a garbage can. It kinda looks cheap.

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