Thread Number: 79996  /  Tag: Modern Automatic Washers
Miele PW6055 Plus 2009 Drum Spider question?
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Post# 1039184   7/23/2019 at 14:52 (1,917 days old) by WayneC (Hull)        

I have just purchased a used PW6055 and did a test walk yesterday with a couple of towels in only, the washer was level installed on concrete floor, and it made a terrible loud noise whilst spinning, can anyone tell me if the washer has an internal spider attached directly to the rear of the drum please and if so what will this be made of?. A friend of mine says that the spider may have fractured as they are made of aluminium but I am unsure. I have held the drum and rocked it at 12 and 6 o’clock and at 90 degree intervals and hear no knocking at all. I’m trying to find out if these models have a spider attached directly to the drum rear and what they are made from. As I say the model as made in 2009 any help appreciated.

Post# 1039285 , Reply# 1   7/24/2019 at 11:08 (1,916 days old) by touchtronic (Omaha, NE)        

touchtronic's profile picture
I have a W3033 which is the same chassis Series 3000, and I know my spider is the aluminum kind, I have the honeycomb drum. Back in the day and maybe on the huge industrial washers they sell they have the steel spiders that are 4 arms not the 3 arms I have and am sure you have the same spider as mine.

It sounds like its either the drum bearings that are going out, or the motor bearings. If you pop the top off, you an take the right side panel off, screws down the back and top, and listen by the motor while spinning and see if that noise happens again from the motor. I bet it's the bearings that are failing.

You have the induction motor so there are no carbon brushes. There is a taco-generator on the back of the motor which could be worn out and making the noise as well. If you can't determine if the noise is from the motor or the drum, you can slip the belt off and run a drain/spin cycle to determine if it's the motor. The clearance between the drum and the drum boot seal is so small that it's very unlikely anything got down in there and is jamming up or interfearing between the inner drum and the outer steel drum.

Here is a thread from my washer's internals to give you an idea, if you need help on how to take the machine apart let me know and I can help. I've had mine apart 3 times in 10 years so I know the steps which are not real obvious... the Germans over-engineer things :)

I have the Miele service manual for my W3033 and the basic principals of the machines would be very similar if you want I can share that with you as well.


CLICK HERE TO GO TO touchtronic's LINK

Post# 1039429 , Reply# 2   7/25/2019 at 16:43 (1,915 days old) by bewitched (Italy)        

The spider is aluminium. The noise can have other origins. If the spider is broken the machine should shake violently during spinning and the drum should turn not parallel to the door seal I had the spider replaced in my supertronic w5000 and the miele tech installed an “old” stainless steel spider. mine was not broken anyway. old stainless spiders have three arms not four. the new commercial machines seem to have a stainless steel spider.

Post# 1039430 , Reply# 3   7/25/2019 at 16:49 (1,915 days old) by bewitched (Italy)

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Post# 1039431 , Reply# 4   7/25/2019 at 16:59 (1,915 days old) by bewitched (Italy)        

this is the same drum with the same spider as your pw 6065. two towels are not the best thing to have a silent and well balanced spin. try instead a full load of mixed items. mine is noisy too at 1600 rpm when the load is not well balanced.

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Post# 1039786 , Reply# 5   7/29/2019 at 04:14 (1,912 days old) by WayneC (Hull)        

Apologies for taking a little long to reply thanks so far appreciated.

Post# 1039791 , Reply# 6   7/29/2019 at 06:08 (1,912 days old) by WayneC (Hull)        

It’s very bizarre, I appreciate the comments. I phoned Miele up and they were adamant that the spider in my PW6055 2009 version is made of stainless steel and not aluminium (although they haven’t emailed me confirmation , which they promised to do!!).

Post# 1039948 , Reply# 7   7/30/2019 at 03:49 (1,911 days old) by richnz (New Zealand)        

Similar machine, same problem.

This is 10+ years old. Different design but aluminium alloy with a stainless steel spindle.

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Post# 1039951 , Reply# 8   7/30/2019 at 05:19 (1,911 days old) by WayneC (Hull)        

Could anyone advise how to tighten up the front white panel please?, it does seem to have a bit of play and can be pulled away from the side panels by about 2mm on either side, I’m guessing that this amount of play could possibly be contributing to the vibration?. As a test I inserted two pieces of thin rubber adhesive pad down the join and it didn’t seem to resonate as much (worth a try I guess). Also I’ve tightened the dispenser drawer front which seemed to be loose as well already.

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Post# 1040090 , Reply# 9   7/31/2019 at 00:37 (1,910 days old) by richnz (New Zealand)        
its held on

by one screw/bolt under the seal, two torx screws in the bottom corners (remove the lower plastic trim).

The top part is held in by plastic pins.

I would check the feet are level, the rubber on the feet is intact and the locking nut for each foot is locked tight.


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