Thread Number: 8
Back From Tulsa, Again...
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Post# 44464   9/4/2004 at 23:05 (7,264 days old) by gansky1 (Omaha, The Home of the TV Dinner!)        

gansky1's profile picture
Skyler and I drove down to Tulsa last night and returned today with a whole van-load of treasures. Here's the list2 - 1968 RapidDry washer
1967 "L" dryer (will be combined with the turq. panel machine brought home in July
59-60 Westinghouse Roll-About top-loading dishwashe
oodles of parts for "L" dryers and rollermatic washerWe had a fun (although short) trip and took other pictures of Bruce's jukebox collection which were really stunning, I'll post more of those later... The weekend isn't over though and we have another short trip planned so stay tuned for more appliance excitement!

Post# 44467 , Reply# 1   9/4/2004 at 23:13 (7,264 days old) by westytoploader ()        

Wow that's wonderful! More Rapidry machines...YAY! The Westy dishwasher looks great insideYou're not keeping them all, are you? ;-
Btw, was Bruce the previous owner?

Post# 44470 , Reply# 2   9/4/2004 at 23:17 (7,264 days old) by Unimatic1140 (Minneapolis)        
That Beast of a Westinghouse Dishwasher

unimatic1140's profile picture
OOOh I'm glad you decided to take home the Westy dishwasher, if nothing more than to just play with it. Bruce is "cleaned out" for sure now.

Post# 44473 , Reply# 3   9/4/2004 at 23:25 (7,264 days old) by gansky1 (Omaha, The Home of the TV Dinner!)        

gansky1's profile picture
No, I won't keep all of the machines, I don't want that many rollermatics. The main reason I went back was to get machines to use as parts/cabinet/trim donors for the 1967 "L" set so they can be as perfect as possible and then I'll fix up what I can for good machines and sell them to eager washerphilesThe Westy dishwasher is nearly perfect inside, but the outside will need paint. The outside/top of the lid is made of Fiberglas! I have the owner's manual for it as well so I couldn't leave it behind!

Post# 44474 , Reply# 4   9/4/2004 at 23:35 (7,264 days old) by westytoploader ()        

Yes; I noticed the Westy dishwasher has caught a bit of the "old-refrigerator" look (just my term for a weathered cabinet; I mainly see it on 1940's--50's refrigerators which is how I coined the name)I was just wondering if you were going to sell any Rollermatics once your work is complete; count me in as an eager "washerphile" wanting one! ;---Austin

Post# 44485 , Reply# 5   9/5/2004 at 04:53 (7,264 days old) by angus (Fairfield, CT.)        

Greg - again, great finds. I can't wait to see what else is in store........ I guess Oklahoma is really OK!!!

Post# 44489 , Reply# 6   9/5/2004 at 08:24 (7,264 days old) by westytoploader ()        

I forgot to mention...did you see Bruce's "Holy Grail" 1-18s?

Post# 44513 , Reply# 7   9/5/2004 at 12:31 (7,264 days old) by tlee618 ()        

Glad that you are back home safe and sound Greg. Looks like some wonderful things that you brought home. Terry

Post# 44552 , Reply# 8   9/5/2004 at 23:43 (7,263 days old) by appnut (TX)        

appnut's profile picture
Glad you are home safe too. You and that blue van of yours, it just hauls bunns (appliances LOL). Can't wait to see more pix of the dishwasher. And more Frigidaires. And Anthony, OK IS OK. I chat with some very nice guys from there.

Post# 44679 , Reply# 9   9/8/2004 at 10:57 (7,261 days old) by jmirawm (Barling Arkansas)        

I have been talking with Bruce in Tulsa for a few months now. I am looking at purchasing a Jukebox from him. Cant wait to go see his collection.....also going to be needing a washer in the not so near future.....maybe he can hook me up with a vintage one !

Post# 44887 , Reply# 10   9/11/2004 at 15:44 (7,258 days old) by Pulsator (Saint Joseph, MI)        
Freaky Friday

pulsator's profile picture
Has anyone seen the sixties version of this movie? I love this movie; they have a beautiful I think Rapidry set (Frigidaire for sure) in avacado! The machine "Goes bananas." And it is so funny. But anyway it looks a lot like the windows-less frigi washer in the picture.

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