Thread Number: 80001  /  Tag: Vintage Automatic Washers
New Pulsator for the '56
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Post# 1039210   7/23/2019 at 19:23 (1,830 days old) by frigidaireguy (Wiston-Salem, NC)        

We are going to try again to post pics - This is the great '56 I got from Ben and a new pulsator from Bud.


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Post# 1039215 , Reply# 1   7/23/2019 at 19:43 (1,830 days old) by sfh074 ( )        

that looks amazing if I may say so myself. I am totally in love with your Unimatic Bob!

Bud - Atlanta

Here is the original thread:

Post# 1039219 , Reply# 2   7/23/2019 at 20:11 (1,830 days old) by joelippard (Hickory)        

joelippard's profile picture

That is a sight to behold!  I can't wait to see it in person!

Post# 1039220 , Reply# 3   7/23/2019 at 20:16 (1,830 days old) by Frigilux (The Minnesota Prairie)        

frigilux's profile picture
Looks beautiful in monochrome!

Post# 1039222 , Reply# 4   7/23/2019 at 20:57 (1,830 days old) by swestoyz (Cedar Falls, IA)        

swestoyz's profile picture
Oh my stars! The old girl looks great! So glad she is in good hands.


Post# 1039230 , Reply# 5   7/23/2019 at 22:22 (1,829 days old) by gansky1 (Omaha, The Home of the TV Dinner!)        

gansky1's profile picture

Just beautiful!  Congratulations.  



Post# 1039231 , Reply# 6   7/23/2019 at 22:25 (1,829 days old) by Washerlover (The Big Island, Hawai’i)        

washerlover's profile picture
I had to run and get a bowl to catch my drool! Absolutely stunning!!

Post# 1039278 , Reply# 7   7/24/2019 at 09:40 (1,829 days old) by golittlesport (California)        

golittlesport's profile picture
Your photos look like they were taken in a Frigidaire showroom in 1956! Beautiful pulsator!

Post# 1039282 , Reply# 8   7/24/2019 at 10:18 (1,829 days old) by turquoisedude (.)        

turquoisedude's profile picture
Wow! That looks amazing - you'll have loads of fun washing now!! LOL

Post# 1039289 , Reply# 9   7/24/2019 at 12:03 (1,829 days old) by pulltostart (Mobile, AL)        

pulltostart's profile picture

That is a beautiful washing machine - inside and out!



Post# 1040539 , Reply# 10   8/3/2019 at 15:13 (1,819 days old) by sfh074 ( )        
I found a print ad ......

of Bob's '56. Thought I would add it to this thread for archival. Nice shot of the factory rubber color.

The 2nd pic is of Bob's agitator before restoration. Ugh!

  Photos...       <              >      Photo 1 of 2         View Full Size
Post# 1040571 , Reply# 11   8/3/2019 at 20:13 (1,819 days old) by joelippard (Hickory)        

joelippard's profile picture

I got to see it in person yesterday and it looks mighty fine!

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