Thread Number: 80097  /  Tag: Modern Automatic Washers
Kenmore/whirlpool 110-28102310 replaced the spin drain pump
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Post# 1040420   8/2/2019 at 16:59 (1,995 days old) by dartman (Portland Oregon)        

Well I posted about doing the main shaft bearings and seal a while back (twice) because of cheap parts the first time and probably a bit of user errors. Well after installing the OEM shaft kit with bearings and seal, plus the proper lube and sealant the spin cycle is back to normal sound wise and doesn't leak. BUT, the spin cycle when the drain pump kicked in sounded awful with a lot of cavitation and just plain bearing like noises but it worked fine and I was told those pumps tend to be noisy anyways. Pump is like 100 bucks retail but way easier to get at and replace then the shaft and bearings/seal. I left the back off to watch for leaks, and so if the pump got noisy enough I could just slide it out a bit and replace it. I found a smokin deal on a brand new OEM Whirlpool pump recently for 30 shipped so I grabbed it.Today I pulled the old one and popped in the new one. The old one the impeller feels really loose and wobbles around inside it's housing so it definitely was bad and on it's way out. The new one the impeller felt really tight and didn't spin super easy but when it hit the rotation just right the magnets in the motor would spin it around for a second. Tried a quick spin/drain and everything seems to work and doesn't make the nasty noises it was, just wooshing sounds while the bit of water gets pimped out. Hopefully that should keep it running and when the head washing person gets home I'll have her run a real load and we'll see how it does.
Hope this thing lasts a while now as most of the wear parts are new at this point and I have the tools for the bearings when and if that go south again.

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Post# 1040441 , Reply# 1   8/2/2019 at 21:00 (1,995 days old) by dartman (Portland Oregon)        
Much quieter.

Did a full high water level load of work jeans and clothes and no leaks and the washer overall is much quieter. I didn't hear the nasty buzzing and hissing noises once it was in the spin and drain mode either, just a bit of water rushing through the system so a success.

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