Thread Number: 801
Vintage Frigidaire Washer Water & Oil Bellows Pliers
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Post# 51409   12/19/2004 at 21:19 (7,158 days old) by Launderess (Quiet Please, There´s a Lady on Stage)        

launderess's profile picture
"If you work on vintage Frigidaire washers with pulsator action (Up and Down) you must have these in your toolbox. Used on the snap rings that secure Water and Oil bellows. If you need these parts please check my other auctions as I just listed a set."

"I also have the bell housing bearing nut tool and the tophat, carbon seal nut assembly tool and will be posting them separately on Ebay later in the week so check my other auctions. If you are a Unimatic Enthusiast you need these rare tools in order to enjoy rebuilding these wonderful old machines the GM Frigidaire way !"

CLICK HERE TO GO TO Launderess's LINK on eBay

Post# 51439 , Reply# 1   12/20/2004 at 08:25 (7,158 days old) by gregm ()        
size ?

Weren't there slightly different sizes of those "pliers" made over the years ??

Post# 51442 , Reply# 2   12/20/2004 at 08:46 (7,158 days old) by Unimatic1140 (Minneapolis)        

unimatic1140's profile picture
Just two sizes, one for the outer water bellows and one for the inner oil bellows. Before I had those tools I used to used a C-Clamp to close the ring. The tools make it easier, but they are not required.

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