Thread Number: 80121  /  Tag: Modern Dryers
Timer not advancing during auto dry setting. Speed Queen
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Post# 1040667   8/4/2019 at 14:36 (1,818 days old) by Ehb79 (Trenton)        

What's up everyone. I just picked up a Speed Queen dryer AES68AWF. Runs great. Just one small problem. Timer don't advance during auto dry setting. It do advance during time dry. Do you think it's the timer or cycling thermostat? Yes I am aware of how auto dry works. Please note the load in question was fully dry after 35 mins. Yet the timer didn't advance at all. It just stayed on more dry.

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Post# 1040680 , Reply# 1   8/4/2019 at 16:20 (1,818 days old) by Lorainfurniture (Cleveland )        

If the timer cycles during timed dry then the timer should be fine. I’d get your multi meter and see where the power is lost. I would bet the cycle stat or wiring

Post# 1040706 , Reply# 2   8/4/2019 at 18:35 (1,818 days old) by Frigilux (The Minnesota Prairie)        

frigilux's profile picture
I'm going to put forth this possibility:

Speed Queen dryers are known to run far longer than necessary on auto dry cycles. My 2017 SQ also dries most loads in about 35 minutes; but left to its own devices the dryer will run a good 35-45 minutes past that point before it shuts off. I always set the dryness level to 'Near Dry', not 'Dry'. Ehb79 is using the 'More Dry' setting, which would cause it to run for a long time past when the load is actually dry.

Although I always use the auto dry cycle, I've learned to set a kitchen timer for 35 minutes and retrieve the always dry load from the machine. Bath towels are the exception. My huge loads of heavy towels need about 70 minutes to be fully dried.

On a load of kitchen whites or bedsheets--something that won't be irreparably harmed by being baked for an extended period--let the dryer run for about 65-75 minutes and see if the control advances. If not, then Lorainfurniture Eugene is probably right. After all, he is an appliance dealer and servicer.

If you've never had a SQ dryer before, you have no idea how long it can run past the point where the clothes are actually dry. Mine has by far the least accurate dryness-sensing system of any dryer I've owned. A 2015 Maytag, which was sold with my house, took the checkered flag as being the most accurate in that department.

Also, try dialing it back from 'More Dry' to 'Less Dry' (or whatever it is called on your cycle dial) and see if that makes a difference.

Post# 1040716 , Reply# 3   8/4/2019 at 20:34 (1,818 days old) by Ehb79 (Trenton)        

Hey guys thanks for the response. Also Eugene I'm a long time subscriber to your channel. I was thinking about giving you a call tomorrow to ask you about this issue. I did take the front cover off and cleaned every bit of lint in sight. I was thinking it was a air flow issue. I wish I could find a diagram to my dryer. I also like to know what year it is.

Post# 1040719 , Reply# 4   8/4/2019 at 20:50 (1,818 days old) by combo52 (50 Year Repair Tech Beltsville,Md)        
Non Advancing Timer On A SQ Dryer In Auto-Dry Cycle

combo52's profile picture

Try Eugenes suggestions in reply #2, I have also found you have to find the sweet spot on these timers which is usually closer to less dry that more dry if your vent system etc is OK.


If that does not work you likely have a bad dry resistor on your timer or a bad timer.


John L.

Post# 1040723 , Reply# 5   8/4/2019 at 21:15 (1,817 days old) by Repairguy (Danbury, Texas)        

repairguy's profile picture
Your Speed Queen dryer was made in 2007. If you remove the 3 screws from the top back of the console it will flip forward and the schematic should be taped inside unless it’s been previously removed.

Post# 1040769 , Reply# 6   8/5/2019 at 10:56 (1,817 days old) by Ehb79 (Trenton)        

I found the schematic thanks. I called a few places this morning. They all say I may need a new timer. So I'll probably have someone come out later today to confirm.

Post# 1041296 , Reply# 7   8/10/2019 at 13:34 (1,812 days old) by Ehb79 (Trenton)        

The dryer had a bad timer resistor. So i replaced the whole timer. Got it for 76.00, took about 15 min's to change it.

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Post# 1041313 , Reply# 8   8/10/2019 at 15:28 (1,812 days old) by Repairguy (Danbury, Texas)        

repairguy's profile picture
Congrats on fixing your Speed Queen dryer!

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