Thread Number: 80122  /  Tag: Modern Dishwashers
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Post# 1040673   8/4/2019 at 15:34 (1,818 days old) by oldskool (Kansas City, MO)        

I haven't been on line much during the past 9 months after an extensive house fire, November 2018. An ordeal I would not wish on an enemy, including enemy #1 - I digress. Thankfully, no one was injured. Cause was ruled undetermined. Much of my collection was lost, but I still have quite a few units remaining that are in storage. When feasible, I'll likely have a sale to reduce much remaining inventory. To quote BB King, "...the thrill is gone".

As we're at about 80% completion toward restoration, it's time to purchase new appliances for the kitchen. I'm not a Thermador, Dacor or Gaggeneau person - more realistic given budgetary considerations.

Currently considering Kitchen Aid wall ovens and electric cooktop. Previously, I had a gas stove, which was great to cook on, but the heat output outweighed the benefits in my opinion - therefore I'm going electric for the cooktop. Currently we're living in one of my rental properties that has a smooth-top Kitchenaid range - and I really like it. Before I rattle on too much - I'll present my requests.

1) What are your recommendations/thoughts regarding the Kitchenaid product line for the wall ovens and cooktop?

2) Would Kitchenaid DW also be a good choice? I really wasn't happy with the previous (2009) Kitchenaid DWs. Many repairs, non consistent performance - required much prepping (rinsing, scraping, nothing baked on, etc...). I'm unclear on current info. Having seen a few AW members share satisfaction with Maytag DWs, I'm strongly considering the same.

3) Refrigerators - Ice Makers recommentations?

Your input will be appreciated.


Post# 1040725 , Reply# 1   8/4/2019 at 21:30 (1,818 days old) by combo52 (50 Year Repair Tech Beltsville,Md)        
New Kitchen Appliances

combo52's profile picture

Hi John, Get any Maytag DW, they are simpler and more rugged than their WP-KA cousins.


For electric cooking, GE still outdoes WP-KA and Frigidaire.


Refrigerator is a little tougher, in general try to keep it simple, skip French door bottom freezer models especially with ice through the door, if you want through the door I&W stay with a SXS.


Best bottom freezer models are Amana, WP, Maytag, KA & Jenn-air made in the USA models keeping in mind the above comments.


Best top freezer models are WP & GE with IM inside the freezer.


Call me if you have more questions.


John L.

Post# 1040729 , Reply# 2   8/4/2019 at 22:32 (1,818 days old) by oldskool (Kansas City, MO)        

Much appreciation for sound advice. As always, your help is appreciated.

Will move forward as suggested.


Post# 1040730 , Reply# 3   8/4/2019 at 22:49 (1,818 days old) by Maytagbear (N.E. Ohio)        
Electric cooktops...............

If I was not a tenant........(I pay my rent on time, no loud parties and so on.............) I would consider INDUCTION! Best of both!


Post# 1040745 , Reply# 4   8/5/2019 at 03:14 (1,817 days old) by askolover (South of Nash Vegas, TN)        

askolover's profile picture

What he^said about induction.  I love gas, but haven't turned the gas range on all summer since I use an induction hotplate for nearly everything unless I'm cooking a large meal that requires more than one burner.  It doesn't heat the kitchen up at all.

Post# 1040759 , Reply# 5   8/5/2019 at 08:00 (1,817 days old) by Yogitunes (New Jersey)        

yogitunes's profile picture
ice maker considerations.....

through the door dispensing is fine....

preference goes to an icemaker and bin that is inside the freezer.....not on the door

the main thing...CAPACITY

if its just one or two people, small ones may be fine.....but for larger families, groups of people, parties, will run out quick....

even if you push the Accel-Ice button, its still 24 hours for the bucket to refill

Post# 1040800 , Reply# 6   8/5/2019 at 16:28 (1,817 days old) by oldskool (Kansas City, MO)        
Great Recommendations - Thanks

I appreciate everyone's input - great information.

I was told that induction would require that many of my pans be replaced as they're not compatible? Have I been told wrong? Some of my "go to" pans(Revere ware both copper bottom and clad, Magnalite, much stainless steel, corning ware) are 20+ years old or more - really like them and don't want to replace. Does corning ware work on induction?


Post# 1040801 , Reply# 7   8/5/2019 at 16:37 (1,817 days old) by DADoES (TX, U.S. of A.)        

dadoes's profile picture
Induction heats via magnetism so Corningware/glass won't work.  Anything should work that tests positive with a magnet.

Post# 1040805 , Reply# 8   8/5/2019 at 17:25 (1,817 days old) by appnut (TX)        

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I got a KitchenAid induction double oven range May 2017.  All my cookware was copper bottomed Revere.  I obviously had to give it up.  Now the clad bottomed Revere may work with induction.  I also have Visions cookware as well as Corningware.  That's all been relegated to oven use.  And it's terrific since I have a total of 3 ovens.  

Post# 1040807 , Reply# 9   8/5/2019 at 18:16 (1,817 days old) by thomasortega (El Pueblo de Nuestra Señora de Los Angeles de Porciúncula)        

The only thing I HATE about Kitchenaid is the horrible steam cleaning oven.

If they had REAL self cleaning ovens, i'd definitely get Kitchenaid.

Post# 1040833 , Reply# 10   8/6/2019 at 04:15 (1,816 days old) by askolover (South of Nash Vegas, TN)        

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I never use the self clean cycle.  It just gets WAAAAAAY too hot for my comfort level.  By the time it cools down enough to wipe it down I could already have cleaned it and began cooking in it again. I just clean it the old fashioned way with easy-off or arm & hammer oven cleaner.

Post# 1040835 , Reply# 11   8/6/2019 at 04:42 (1,816 days old) by thomasortega (El Pueblo de Nuestra Señora de Los Angeles de Porciúncula)        


I start the self cleaning and run away. Or I do it at night, when I go to bed.

I take the smoke alarm off the ceiling, open the window, close the kitchen door and give a giant middle finger if the fridge will have to work much more for a couple of hours.

Destroying my hands and spending my elbow grease to clean an oven, Moi? Jamais!

Years ago, when I had the Electrolux Icon wall oven, I used to let dirt accumulate until I couldn't bake a cupcake in the oven, then I prepared the whole house for the annual oven cleaning nightmare day. Once I literally saw the dirt on fire in the oven.

Around 2 years ago I realized I don't need to suffer or to be embarrassed if a visitor opened my oven. If it's dirty, I'll simply hit the self clean button and start singing Disco Inferno. You know... burn, baby, burn... If two messes happen in the same week, so I'll run the self cleaning cycle twice in the same week.

If I cleaned but the oven doesn't look like NIB, ok darling, you asked for it. 4 hour cycle right after the previous 1-hour cycle.

Steam cleaning.... What the hell is that? You have a dirty oven..... run the cycle and then you have a dirty oven that's a mess! If I have to steam clean something, I'll use a real steam cleaner (which is what I do with the top burners)

2 years and my Kenmore Elite (Electrolux disgracefully made) stove still looks like it was never used.

Post# 1040836 , Reply# 12   8/6/2019 at 04:42 (1,816 days old) by appnut (TX)        

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Thomas, that's why I chose my free-standing double oven model veresus the slide-in induction model.  Mine has the real self-clean and not AquaLift.  

Post# 1040837 , Reply# 13   8/6/2019 at 04:46 (1,816 days old) by thomasortega (El Pueblo de Nuestra Señora de Los Angeles de Porciúncula)        

I had a friend that had an older Kitchenaid, double oven, freestanding in his kitchen.

That curved design that somewhat reminds a kitchenaid mixer... (at least it tries)

I would kill for one of those stoves nowadays, empire red, of course. and it was a REAL self cleaning. not the Aqualaugh

Post# 1040856 , Reply# 14   8/6/2019 at 08:48 (1,816 days old) by Frigilux (The Minnesota Prairie)        

frigilux's profile picture
I ran into the same thing when recommending kitchen appliances to my sister in the summer of 2017. Went with a Maytag suite (dishwasher, refrigerator, electric range). I specifically checked the features list to make sure it had standard self-cleaning and not AquaClean or AquaSteam or, as Thomas put it, AquaLaugh. The next time I was at her place, I looked at the controls and apparently all it offers is steam cleaning. I was not a happy camper.

Other than that, all three appliances perform beautifully and she loves them. Especially the dishwasher. She'd had a BOL builder's-grade Frigidaire for many years. Damn thing just wouldn't die, LOL.

Post# 1040988 , Reply# 15   8/7/2019 at 21:53 (1,815 days old) by oldskool (Kansas City, MO)        
Everything is Ordered

Awaiting delivery then installation by Contractor.

Maytag DWs, Maytag SxS Frig, KA Double Convection Ovens & 36" 5 burner non-induction cooktop. I liked the configuration of the KA cooktop over other brands; something about the blue interior of the ovens appealed to me.

When everything is done, will post some pictures.

Much appreciation to all who have provided input on this thread.


Post# 1041057 , Reply# 16   8/8/2019 at 14:31 (1,814 days old) by cuffs054 (MONTICELLO, GA)        

Self clean is the only way to go. I too have sometimes had the oven look like a mini fireplace but no harm done. Current range is non-self clean and I pray for it to die soon. Frigidaire DW in my opinion is the choice. Think I'm going to skip the ice/water dispenser on the next go around and go with the TOL Samsung top mount or TOL GE top mount with the water dispenser inside. Dispenser is getting to be a pia.

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