Thread Number: 80232  /  Tag: Modern Dishwashers
Question regarding 2001 Whirlpool Gold DW
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Post# 1041815   8/15/2019 at 12:13 (2,007 days old) by ken (NYS)        

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Picked up a WP DW last night that had been put out along the road only 1 mile from home. Looks to be in VG condition. Haven't tested yet to see if there are any issues. It's a model GU980SCGS3. Serial number puts it as manufactured in 3/2001. Would like to know if this is a water conserving model that runs 3-4 hours to complete a cycle? It was definitely heavier than I was expecting when I picked it up. And I see it has a metal motor/pump under it rather that the plastic pumps I've read about on newer models.

What are experiences/issues with people here who have had this model? Assuming I find it still works are there normal wear items I should inspect and/or replace?


Post# 1041826 , Reply# 1   8/15/2019 at 14:53 (2,007 days old) by Awooff (Peoria, Illinois)        
Thats a powerclean module dw

awooff's profile picture
Ken, thats an excellent find! Normal wash selection w water heat selected should be 4 water changes (r,w,r,r) with only around 8 gal water usage total. -will produce amazing results w unscraped or unrinsed dishes. Not a 4 hr model here. Miss my whirlpool powerclean immensly. I regularly put burned on broiler pans that washed spotless evertime.

Post# 1042243 , Reply# 2   8/19/2019 at 17:03 (2,003 days old) by ken (NYS)        

ken's profile picture
Thanks for the reply and info Aaron.

Post# 1042268 , Reply# 3   8/19/2019 at 22:05 (2,002 days old) by Awooff (Peoria, Illinois)        
Parts to replace

awooff's profile picture
Ken, had picked up mine for 50 bucks as it was a portable model. -It had about 15 years of usage on it but the racks were in prestine shape as in no rust. Only thing i replaced on it was the fill valve which is a 40.00 part just because i didnt think the valve was allowing a full fill as results were lacking. The new valve did make a difference on mine and the superior washing results returned.

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