Thread Number: 80342  /  Tag: Modern Dishwashers
kitchenaid Briva repairs - thinking about
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Post# 1042828   8/27/2019 at 09:15 (1,867 days old) by magicmarc (NEW YORK)        

hi, ive a kitchenaid briva 36, and of course the plastic lid adapter-cord pieces currently making 3D printed replacement part for this... however recently i went away for a few weeks, it wasnt used... and now it doesnt fill with water at all... i hear the cycle start, but when complete it has the check drain light on, and it looks like no water entered... the drain plug is inserted, and turned to the right to secure it, as always...
for the last year it had been leaving some water in the bottom after the cleaning cycle..
ive found the replacement pump online, another repair forum expert pointed me to the part. will replacing the pump repair this error?
thanks all.

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