Thread Number: 80469  /  Tag: Modern Automatic Washers
The Wonderful & Frightening Washer History of Frigilux
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Post# 1044349   9/9/2019 at 19:28 (1,854 days old) by Frigilux (The Minnesota Prairie)        

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So...As "new washer fever" threatens to strike again, here's a complete list of the washers I've purchased since becoming an adult. Some dates approximate because memory.  1984: I stop at the local Frigidaire/Whirlpool/KitchenAid dealer on the way home from my mother's funeral and purchase a spiffy new, non suds-saving Whirlpool super capacity washer and dryer to replace the 1960 Kenmore Model 80 pair my parents had since I was an infant.  That's how much I wanted those things out of my life! (See: Severe Case of Frigidaire Envy.)  When the Model 80 entered its death rattle, my stepfather, who liked its automatic cycle selection, found a nearly unused '64 Kenmore and replaced all the innards while I was in college.  So basically it was a '64 Kenmore with a '60 console and cabinet. (Side note: Also purchased TOL KitchenAid dishwasher to replace rusted out 1974 Lady Kenmore.) 


1986: New town, new pair:  Frigdaire top-loader with circle-of-spray fill.

1987: Frigidaire front-loader; rear console (pair)

1989: KitchenAid top-loader (pair)

1990: Gibson stackable front-load (pair)

1993?: Frigidaire FL (pair; first Electrolux-made model; reverse-tumble dryer)

1998?: Frigidaire FL (pair; 2nd edition)

2002: Frigidaire FL; rear console (pair; 3rd edition)

2005: Frigidaire TL washer

2010: Frigidaire FL (pair; complete redesign)

2012: Frigidaire Immersion Care TL (faux impeller agitub)

2014: Speed Queen TL AWN542

2015: Maytag 8100 FL (pair; favorite washer and dryer)

2017: Speed Queen TL Series 9 (pair)


While living in a warehouse-style apartment downtown (1989-2002), I hauled home a 1959 Lady Kenmore pair from the junk pile area behind the appliance store across the street.  Washer had never been used.  Dryer had been used but was electric; apartment had only gas hookup. Kept them for about a year.  Was able to use the suds-saver by wedging a heavy-duty rectangular garbage can between the Lady K and the stacked Gibson FL pair. Gave the pair to a young couple who needed laundry equipment.  Kicked myself a thousand times already, so go easy on me. Oh, and they were yellow.  Gorgeous.


Also hauled home (from junk pile outside same appliance store) a Frigidaire 1-18.  Worked perfectly, but right front foot had been broken off. Easily "fixed" with a block of wood. Turned out to be the washer from my doctor's house. They were remodeling and wanted all new appliances.  Also gave that washer away.  Again, much kicking of self upon discovering what would become AW.ORG.


Unless I come to my senses, the next pair will probably be the new LG 3900 front-loader and matching dryer.  We'll see.  Enjoying the vintage experience of the TL SQ, but new washer fever has struck and I have the perfect candidate for the SQ pair living in the apartment below me.


Add to that 10 dishwashers, 8 ranges and 5 refrigerators.  I've done my part to keep appliance companies happy on Wall Street.


And that's it from Frigilux, no doubt soon to be rattling a tin cup on a street corner near you.😂


This post was last edited 09/09/2019 at 22:00

Post# 1044351 , Reply# 1   9/9/2019 at 19:39 (1,854 days old) by henene4 (Heidenheim a.d. Brenz (Germany))        

The 3900s are verry interesting with their overhauled DC pump system for both drain and TurboWash.
I think they redid their sensing as well, at least they did here...

So any final thoughts on the SQs?

Post# 1044419 , Reply# 2   9/10/2019 at 11:08 (1,853 days old) by mark_wpduet (Lexington KY)        
Let me see if I can go through mine

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Home growing up. A late 60s or early 70s Kenmore but I don't know the model. Also a Kenmore dryer. I remember mom telling me they were used when they got them before I was even it was pretty old. Possibly mid 60s. I can't say. I do know it had that ugly yellow agitator but the machine worked great. I also remember that it did not say "Lady Kenmore" but just Kenmore.

Grandma up the street had a GM Frigidaire and a Kenmore dryer.

In the mid 1980s we got a whirlpool TL to replace the Kenmore and it had a straight vane agitator. My grandma got a dual action Kenmore in the early to mid 80s to replace her GM Fridigaire that died.

Then in 1991 I moved into my own apartment and got a portable Kenmore that connected to the kitchen sink. It worked GREAT but it was a pain not having a dryer. When I decided to sell it because I was sold THAT day.

Moved into another apartment in mid 90s and they had a new BOL Kenmore pair with straight vane agitator and literally ONE dial on the front, but it worked GREAT.

In 1996, moved to Lexington to yet another apartment that had a stackable washer and dryer and the dryer was 110 V and took FOREVER to dry a load of clothes. Hated that but was only there 6 months. Moved again across town into a rental home that had a Kenmore pair dual action... In 2002, moved to another apartment and bought a Whirlpool TL matching pair that I moved with me into this new house in 2004. Then a few months later, sold those bought the Duet pair in April 2005 that's still going, except for the dryer that was replaced recently. All of my experience has been with Whirlpool and Whirlpool made Kenmores EXCEPT for my grandma's GM Frigidaire. When I was really little I used to dread my grandma doing laundry because that thing scared the hell out of me the noise it made... It's so stupid to think that that was the case but it was. It literally scared me.

About the LG's. When I go to LG's site, I don't see any model #'s with 3900?

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Post# 1044420 , Reply# 3   9/10/2019 at 11:25 (1,853 days old) by Unimatic1140 (Minneapolis)        

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Very cool list Eugene! We're you living in the city then? If so was the "I hauled home a 1959 Lady Kenmore pair from the junk pile area behind the appliance store across the street" in Uptown at Lake and Grand? It's now the Uptown Pizza but I hauled home many washers from the back of that place.

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Post# 1044426 , Reply# 4   9/10/2019 at 12:00 (1,853 days old) by Frigilux (The Minnesota Prairie)        

frigilux's profile picture

Robert: I wasn't living in Minneapolis then, but I spent a lot of time in the area of the photo you posted.  This was in the late '80s through the early 2000s.  In fact, just south of Uptown Pizza on Grand you can see part of the side wall and the front of an apartment building on the left.  A good friend of mine lived in that building for several years.  


I also remember a great Greek grocery store further west on Lake---maybe on the other side of Lyndale.  Shopped there often and picked up great baklava and spanakopita in their deli section.  The matron who worked there was awesome; she'd always come out from behind the counter and give me a kiss on the cheek.  Can't for the life of me remember the name of the place.


I had a studio apartment a few blocks south of Lake at Chicago from about 1986-89--my weekend home.  It was a very rough neighborhood, but I was in my 20's and had no fear, LOL. And the rent was dirt cheap. By the '90s, I was staying in the extra room of a friend's house around the area of Cedar and 38th ave south.


Glad you were able to find some gems behind an appliance store, as well! Some of the best vintage appliance shopping around back in the day...perhaps second only to estate sales.


Henrik:  Gotta say I've really enjoyed the 2017 SQ.  It's the first time since the mid-80s that a  top-loader was my daily driver.  However, I'm ultimately a front-loader guy at heart, so a return to that format is bound to happen sooner or later.



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