Thread Number: 80560  /  Tag: Modern Automatic Washers
New SQ Set is in my barn
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Post# 1045285   9/18/2019 at 11:37 (1,773 days old) by DE409 (Maryland)        

Forgive me if I posted, but I just got my new SQ TC5 matching set. It is currently in the barn until I get a place where I can install it. Farmhouse I am renting feom family only had room for a 24" apartment-size unit. So excited. I had them leave them in box.

Also registeredthem for 10yr warranty.

Post# 1045290 , Reply# 1   9/18/2019 at 12:23 (1,773 days old) by Deborah (Colorado)        

Congratulations on your new Speed Queen set! I am really happy for you, but just a little jealous. I would love to get a Speed Queen, but my husband insists my old Kenmore is still reparable.

Enjoy your new machines!

Post# 1045294 , Reply# 2   9/18/2019 at 13:26 (1,773 days old) by DE409 (Maryland)        

Its a sign of hope for a future. Wife decided she no longer wanted to be married and am going through that w/kids. The hope is that someday things will be alright again.

Post# 1045321 , Reply# 3   9/18/2019 at 18:14 (1,773 days old) by Frigilux (The Minnesota Prairie)        

frigilux's profile picture
In light of the information you shared in the post above, it seems a bit disingenuous to congratulate you on your new TC5000...but since this is an appliance site, I’ll just say it: Congratulations on your new TC5000!! Here’s hoping you’ll soon have room to install it in your home. Best to you in whatever path your relationship takes.

Post# 1045391 , Reply# 4   9/19/2019 at 07:05 (1,772 days old) by DE409 (Maryland)        

Thanks. It means a lot. My current residence only has room for an apartment-size over-under or I would be using it already.

Post# 1045395 , Reply# 5   9/19/2019 at 07:24 (1,772 days old) by PinkPower4 (USA)        
When I lived in an apartment...

I put the washer where the refrigerator went. This refrigerator had manual ice trays, so I could put it anywhere there was an outlet. This way I could run the hoses (or add extensions) if needed to run the fill and drain hoses from the washer to the sink. You can use an y adapter to combine the hot and cold fill hoses, if needed. You can then hook it to a faucet adapter like what is used for a portable washer. Some of the new apartments/houses have those faucets with the pull-down sprayer. Not all of them are compatible with these faucet adapters. This *might* work in the bathroom. In some houses, the bathrooms are quite large. However, there would be a lot of humidity in there from showers. Probably not the best location for stuff with electronics.

I hope you enjoy your new set!

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