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2nd washer for King Size Comforter
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Post# 1046117   9/27/2019 at 16:01 (1,851 days old) by IIIJohnnyMacIII (North Carolina)        

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Hey y’all. I currently own a 2017 Speed Queen top loader and am looking for a stackable front loader to wash large comforters. Do you have any recommendations. It would have to be stackable, due to space concerns. I know the older 2017 front loader speed queens were really good even at 3.5 cft. However, I’m not educated on the newer SQ front loaders. Maybe a home style SQ? But, it doesn’t have to be Speed Queen. I’m open to all brands even used. Let me know what you think. Thanks!

Post# 1046122 , Reply# 1   9/27/2019 at 17:42 (1,851 days old) by Frigilux (The Minnesota Prairie)        

frigilux's profile picture
I've steered a few people to LG front-loaders and they have all been very happy with them. The WM8100 sports a 5.2 cu.ft. drum, which should fit the bill for your king-sized comforter. A compatible LG dryer can be stacked on top of it. LG's reliability, owner satisfaction, and wash performance/cleaning scores are excellent.

I had a Frigidaire front-loader with a 3.5 cu. ft drum and it held my cheap, lightweight queen-sized comforter (purchased at Target or ShopKo). It was a tight squeeze, though. A king-sized comforter, especially a more expensive one of a heavier weight would not have fit in the machine.

Note: The photo at the link to LG's website shows the 8100 paired with the little "SideKick" mini washer (purchased separately). You would not be able to stack a dryer on top of the 8100 if you choose to add the SideKick. The photo shown below is of the 8100 and its companion dryer on top of it, which I'm assuming is the type of set-up you're looking for. The mega-capacity 8100 sells for around $1200-1400.

One more thing: If your king-size comforter is of a lighter weight, it may fit into a washer with a 4.5 cu. ft. drum, like the new LG3900. I had a Maytag with a 4.5 cu. ft. drum and my queen-size comforter fit in it with room to spare. The LG3900 can be had for $900-1000 dollars. A compatible LG dryer can be stacked on top of it.

The best way to know if the comforter will fit into a particular washer is to bring it with you when you go washer-shopping. It sounds crazy, but I strongly recommend doing that. Then you'll know whether it fits or not before you have the washer installed at home.

Frankly, I think you may like an LG so much that it becomes your daily driver!


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This post was last edited 09/27/2019 at 18:00
Post# 1046125 , Reply# 2   9/27/2019 at 18:02 (1,851 days old) by easy (Boston, Mass)        
front load washer

I have purchased the entry level LG 3500 washer and dryer and have been extremely pleased with them. Lorain Furniture has reviewed the washer on youtube and generally given the washer a rave review, after admitting he was fully prepared to hate it.

The pros he lists for the machine are impressive. His main cons are EXTREMELY long cycles and very low water usage. I use the towels cycle for most of my laundry - LG recommends it for mixed cotton loads. Without any options, you get 3 rinses and the 1300 rpm spin speed. The cycle is usually about 55 to 60 minutes, not extremely long in my opinion for a front loader. This cycle also appears to use more water than other cycles and you can see water in the bottom of the drum every time it stops to change direction. Of course, if you add extra rinses, heavy soil, or pre wash your cycle time will increase significantly.

Lorain Furniture loves the "turbo wash' feature which this machine lacks. I guess you can save a few minutes when it wets down the load and for many people the spraying water is fun to watch. I honestly don't see how it gets the cloths any cleaner once the wash or rinse portions start going.

Post# 1046127 , Reply# 3   9/27/2019 at 18:24 (1,851 days old) by Lorainfurniture (Cleveland )        
Turbo wash

I recommend the wm3500, it will easily wash a king comforter. I’m testing the wm3900 with turbo wash now and I’m running in to a similar conclusion that @easy states above. The turbo wash does help with rinsing but the 3500 has some magic going on that gets things done.

Quite honestly I haven’t uploaded a video lately because I’m stuck on my 3900 review. I want to love it, and it is a proper good machine. It’s just the 3500 does everything a wee bit better.

To cut through the bs I’d recommend the wm3500. It’s impressive and inexpensive

Post# 1046129 , Reply# 4   9/27/2019 at 18:37 (1,851 days old) by Frigilux (The Minnesota Prairie)        

frigilux's profile picture
I recently steered a friend to an LG3500 and she loves it. Personally, I'd opt for the 3900's turbo wash 360 system if I were washing king-size comforters in it and I also prefer having an internal water heater, but the 3500 is less expensive ($700-800, maybe?) and a dryer can be stacked above it.

Eugene: I watched the ketchup stain video for the 3900 and I agree that you should try it again using the Heavy Duty cycle. I think that's the cycle you used for the ketchup test with the 3500, right? I don't know how you get time to sleep running a business while testing/creating and editing videos for all these machines, but they certainly are fun to watch!

Post# 1046134 , Reply# 5   9/27/2019 at 19:08 (1,851 days old) by henene4 (Heidenheim a.d. Brenz (Germany))        

Question I would have there: As far as I have in my head, you ran every cycle with TurboWash enabled.

Shouldn't be the cycle between the 3500 and 3900 be the same if you deselect TurboWash on the 3900?

So results should then be the same...

Post# 1046136 , Reply# 6   9/27/2019 at 19:39 (1,851 days old) by appnut (TX)        

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I wouldn't own a front loader unless it had the onboard, supplemental heater.  

Post# 1046167 , Reply# 7   9/28/2019 at 00:37 (1,851 days old) by IIIJohnnyMacIII (North Carolina)        

iiijohnnymaciii's profile picture
Thank you for your suggestions and great info. I will definitely check out the LGs! I really like the pump access. With my old Maytag FL, I don’t know how many times I had to remove the bottom front panel to remove kids socks! If I went with the 5.2 I would have to go with the 8100, because the 9000s aren’t stackable right?

Post# 1046180 , Reply# 8   9/28/2019 at 05:27 (1,851 days old) by appnut (TX)        

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That is correct, the 8100 due to being stackable.  

Post# 1046248 , Reply# 9   9/28/2019 at 21:08 (1,850 days old) by nmassman44 (Brooksville Florida)        

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I have to chime in here...since that's what I have the LG 3570 washer and dryer as many know and I also have the Electrolux 527 washer and dryer. I have had the LG's for 4 years now and no issues whatsoever with reliability. The washer does tangle shirts and pants and it takes a gawd awful long time with towels and thats using the Towels cycle. The washer will sense the load at first then displays about 1:15 for a time...but...its more like 3 hours later when the washer finally finishes. Now here is the part that gets interesting....stain removal with the LG washer is good and I always thought it did a better job than the SQ washer it replaced. That was until I got the Electrolux 527's/ The Elux washer runs circles around the LG performance wise. I have had stains that I thought would never shift, and that was with Persil mind you, that this washer vanquished in just one go around. I can do close to three loads in the Elux washer compared to the LG time wise. Most loads are done using Normal cycle and Normal soil level at around 50 minutes. This washer also has the PODS feature where you put the detergent pods in the dispenser tray, select the PODS button and the washer will spray hot water onto said pods to start dissolving them. It then send them into the outer tub to be dissolved before it touches the clothes. The recirculation system then drives the solution onto the load.
This washer isn't as finicky with balancing a load like the LG is for spin. Now the LG does have spray rinses during each interim spin and in the final spin, but thats only if you select TurboWash. don't select it, and you get the standard spin with rinses following. The Elux washer spins after the wash cycle, then it gets down to business rinsing. It doesn't spin between each rinse though. It will drain off the water and then add water for the next rinse and increasingly higher water levels. The final rinse will add the softener and then tumble the load, then drain half the water then add more water , tumble for a minute, then drain the water and head into final spin which lasts about 5 mins at top speed.The Elux washer also runs the recirculation pump during the rinse cycle. Both machines rinse well in my opinion.
Now onto the dryers. The LG is electric and the Elux dryer is natural gas. The LG does a very good job and I always use Normal dryness for all loads since its plenty and if you go higher it tends to overdry going a tad too far. It also heats a tad higher as well, but not by much temp wise. Capacity is about 7.3 cuft for the Lg dryer.
The Elux dryer I adore. This is the most sensitive drying system I have ever used. Its also one of the most gentle as well. When the dryer came it had the Eco option selected. I tried it for one cycle and the load took forever to dry, but the did dry. It would also cycle the burner a bit too much to just maintain the lower temp. The following load I deselected the Eco option and this dryer flies. It has what they call...Predictive Dry...which ironically its on their top 627 dryer, which i didn't want. When the dryer came it had that drying system, it says it in the door opening, not on the panel like the 627 does. I have dried a king sized comforter in this dryer with excellent results. I babysit the dryer anytime I dry a bulky comforter since i dont want one area to get the heat all the time, so I stop and rotate the comforter so it dries evenly. This dryer doesn't use the traditional sensor bars but it uses an advanced sensor at the front that is extremely accurate. This dryer does have a huge lint filter that is like a clamshell and its a fine mesh as well. This dryer is a good sized 8 cuft. It also has a variator baffle that reaches to the back all the way to the front and it keeps the load moving and keeps sheets from balling up and keeps the load opened up and free. So far no issues with either of them.

Post# 1046265 , Reply# 10   9/29/2019 at 08:51 (1,850 days old) by roscoe62 (Canada)        

I have the Electrolux 627 propane dryer, it's the first propane dryer for me, I was wondering is it safe to dry white towels on high heat or will it turn them yellow?

Post# 1046279 , Reply# 11   9/29/2019 at 11:59 (1,849 days old) by nmassman44 (Brooksville Florida)        

nmassman44's profile picture
My Elux dryer runs on natural gas and I dont have any issues with yellowing of whites. As far as a propane fuel source I can't say one way or another...If you dry whites now and I do on Normal with a Normal temp and dryness level and you dont have any issues with yellowing, then by all means use the cycle for the towels and see what it does. I use the Heavy /Towels cycle for Towels and it does preset to High temp and I do use the High dryness level as well. I dont have any issues with yellowing like I had with the Frigidaire built dyer that I had before this dryer.

Post# 1046287 , Reply# 12   9/29/2019 at 13:55 (1,849 days old) by roscoe62 (Canada)        
Only way to know

Is to try I guess. Mine on heavy defaults to normal heat high dryness.
Unlike you my LG's were sold, the dryer was electric and I wanted to try propane since the connect was in place when I recently moved here.
Yes the LG's were very good at tangling, the Elux don't.

Post# 1046302 , Reply# 13   9/29/2019 at 17:02 (1,849 days old) by easy (Boston, Mass)        
nmassman44 review

As I said in my earlier post, I have the LG3500 and have been extremely happy with it. I can't say it has ever tangled pants and sleeves like you report, but the 3500 does have the 6 motion technology - I guess that it really does help in that respect.

You said your towels cycle runs for about 3 hours. Are you selecting a lot of options? I use this cycle for most of my laundry and it consistently only runs for 55 to 60 minutes. Maybe the towels cycle was modified for this machine?

I have never owned an Electrolux so I can't comment on them.

Post# 1046345 , Reply# 14   9/29/2019 at 20:59 (1,849 days old) by nmassman44 (Brooksville Florida)        

nmassman44's profile picture
The reason why the Towels cycle on my machine takes forever is that it takes its time balancing during the spin cycles and draining the water as it goes. I use TurboWash every time. My washer also has 6 Motion but this washer uses the wash vanes that are in the back of the drum. I have been doing just Towels in my LG's and our clothes go thru the Electrolux set.
When I say a load of jeans and jeans only...see what happens. Or do a load of just dress shirts or even a load just shirts from short to long sleeved and see what emerges from the washer. Its not Frigidaire Unimatic roping tangling, but pretty close.

Post# 1046347 , Reply# 15   9/29/2019 at 21:15 (1,849 days old) by easy (Boston, Mass)        
towels cycle

The only time I had a problem with the LG taking forever to balance the load was when I threw in one large heavy bath sheet in with the normal load. That time it seemed to take forever to balance but eventually it did. At least the machine didn't vibrate or travel across the floor.

Normally the load has 3 or 4 bath towels plus assorted hand towels and face cloths. Also some shorts and T shirts and maybe a pair of jeans. So far it manages to balance after 1 or 2 attempts.

Post# 1046349 , Reply# 16   9/29/2019 at 21:41 (1,849 days old) by whirlykenmore78 (Prior Lake MN (GMT-0500 CDT.))        
Best washer for King Size Comforter:

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if it is thick is the 30# and up machines at the laundromat. I can do 2 king quilts in the SQ FL but it is very full and they tangle in the dryer. Anything king sized except for sheets and thin blankets are best washed and dried in the large commercial machines in a laundromat.

Post# 1046416 , Reply# 17   9/30/2019 at 10:17 (1,849 days old) by vacerator (Macomb, Michigan)        
Most front load

washers today, even the lower end models have a supplimental heater if they have a steam cycle. I'd never go back to a top loader. Even a one hour cycle uses less water and energy in one. I do larger loads, less often in it.

Post# 1046476 , Reply# 18   9/30/2019 at 21:46 (1,848 days old) by IIIJohnnyMacIII (North Carolina)        

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I came from a 2009 Maytag FL to a 2017 Speed Queen TL. My issue with my FL was that it would eat socks and leave a stinky smell on Under Armor type fabric. My FL didn’t have an extra rinse though. It did have a sanitize cycle. Why is the sup heater important? Does it keep the water temp constant whereas a machine without one the water gets colder as the cycle runs? Maybe mine didn't have one and that's why my clothes stunk.

Post# 1046478 , Reply# 19   9/30/2019 at 21:54 (1,848 days old) by Frigilux (The Minnesota Prairie)        

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I’m surprised your 2009 Maytag had a sanitize cycle but no internal water heater. How did it sanitize if it couldn’t heat the water? Usually, if a front-loader has a steam and/or sanitize feature its a dead giveaway that it has an internal heater. Some new machines have a ‘sanitize with oxi’ cycle—usually found on HE toploaders—which uses a heavy dose of an oxi product rather than super-hot water to sanitize, but I’m not buying it. I want a sanitize cycle that gradually heats the water to around 150-155 degrees.

I loved my 2015 TOL Maytag front-load pair. Cleaning was top-notch, it had a 1400 rpm spin, a sanitize cycle and steam option (which could be added to several of the cycles). It didn’t eat socks, but I don’t have small children, so no tiny socks.

I always used the sanitize cycle for loads of heavily-stained kitchen whites. It gradually heated the wash water over a 40-minute wash tumble period so that every type of stain received its optimum water temperature. It also gave the enzymes time to clean well before heating the water to the point where they become less effective.

Post# 1046494 , Reply# 20   10/1/2019 at 03:38 (1,848 days old) by DADoES (TX, U.S. of A.)        

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Frontloaders take much less volume of water than deep-fill toploaders, so much of the heat on a hot or warm fill is lost via thermal absorption to the cold mass of the clothes and the machine's outer tub and spin-drum.  An onboard heater boosts the temperature on a designated Sanitary or Allergen cycle or with the steam option engaged.

Post# 1046495 , Reply# 21   10/1/2019 at 03:47 (1,848 days old) by toploader55 (Massachusetts Sand Bar, Cape Cod)        

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"and leave a stinky smell on Under Armor type fabric. "

For me, the only treatment for the odor in I call it "Slinky" material is Wet the Pits of the shirt and rub Fels Naptha on the arm pit area.

I tried all different things even spraying Hydrogen Peroxide but that material seems to harbor odor. The Fels Naptha worked.

Post# 1046520 , Reply# 22   10/1/2019 at 07:48 (1,848 days old) by IIIJohnnyMacIII (North Carolina)        

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Yep had Sanitize cycle, so like you said must have had an internal heater.

Post# 1046529 , Reply# 23   10/1/2019 at 10:21 (1,848 days old) by jkbff (Happy Rock, ND)        

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Im gonna say get an Electrolux 627 or 527 set. The 627 has smartboost on the washer and a stainless drum on the dryer, the 527 doesn't have either. Both have the re-circulation spray. They will handle king size laundry without issue.

If you buy from a dealer that is part of the BrandSource group, there is an additional $100 rebate that you can tag with the Electrolux main $100 rebate.

In my opinion, you can't find a better cleaning laundry set.

Post# 1046768 , Reply# 24   10/3/2019 at 18:17 (1,845 days old) by dylanmitchell (Southern California)        
Stackable LG WM8100HVA 5.2 cu ft

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I'd want a minimum of 4.5 Cu. Ft. for a king comforter preferably 5.0 Cu. Ft. or more. WM4370HKA 4.5 cu ft works with the KSTK1 stacking kit, my preference the WM8100HVA 5.2 cu ft uses the KSTK2 stacking kit. I have a 2017 SQ TL and have thought of doing a similar setup. You could also look for a good used 20-25 pound Softmount Washer-Extractor but I'm not sure if those are stackable. Also, you'd have to set up a drain system for those.

For odors, stains, etc. I use Biz with warm or hot water and the soak option and an extra rinse or two to help wash out the strong Biz fragrance.

WM4370HKA is $1,150 at Costco
WM8100HVA is $1,050 at Costco
WM3770HVA is 1,050 at Costco
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