Thread Number: 80701  /  Tag: Modern Automatic Washers
Magic Chef Portable Washer Water Level Fix? 😊
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Post# 1046886   10/5/2019 at 10:30 (1,932 days old) by PinkPower4 (USA)        


The water level switch is a plastic part that looks like a hex key is needed to turn it to adjust the water level. It is not that easy to access, and the part does not look that sturdy.

I added about 12" of airline tubing (purchased at a pet supplies store), which seems to serve the same purpose of adjusting the water level. More tubing increases the water level. Less tubing decreases the water level. My modification adds approximately 2 gallons of water to the original small, medium, and large load sizes. The wash action is still effective while allowing a practical size load.

Before I make any permanent modifications, what would be the most secure way to do this? One could just cut the original tubing leaving the original end attached to the tub. The airline tubing I purchased fits snugly in the newly created openings to join the original tubing. Would something else like airline connectors with a cable tie be more secure to join the connections?

An airleak could cause the washer to overlow. Obviously, the owner assumes all risks and liabilities for making this modification.

This washer works great for clothes and delicate items that can move freely.

Reducing the water level does not save water. It just means one has to run more loads of laundry to wash the same amount. Sigh.

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Post# 1046900 , Reply# 1   10/5/2019 at 14:23 (1,932 days old) by PinkPower4 (USA)        

Not consistent results. :-(.

Post# 1047384 , Reply# 2   10/10/2019 at 16:45 (1,927 days old) by ozzie908 (Lincoln UK)        

ozzie908's profile picture
Try raising the loop in the pipe to prevent any water getting into it as that will cause inconsistencies.

Let us know if it helps or not :)


Post# 1047499 , Reply# 3   10/11/2019 at 21:50 (1,926 days old) by thomasortega (El Pueblo de Nuestra Señora de Los Angeles de Porciúncula)        

thomasortega's profile picture
It simply doesn't work...

That SOAB works beautifully with a higher water level, then it drains, spins, fills for the rinse EXACTLY ON THE PREVIOUS LEVEL! and it will always fill up to the original maximum level, no matter what.

It looks like there's a mini Chinese man sponsored by D.O.E. hidden inside the washer and he will adjust the water level back no matter what you try.

4 years trying that until i gave up.

It's still an awesome washer, except for the water level that could be a couple of inches higher and the dumb down temperature that I corrected by using a Y-hose and choosing the temperature on the valve for all my washers.

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