Thread Number: 80754  /  Tag: Modern Automatic Washers
Maytag Bravos Water Level Adjustment MVWB835DW3
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Post# 1047433   10/11/2019 at 07:35 (1,750 days old) by stevet (West Melbourne, FL)        

A Co-Worker has the above Bravos Top Loader and would like to adjust the water levels higher than factory settings because most of the time, his laundry comes out with clothes that have dry spots on them. He uses the bulky cycle so it fills up more and still has dry spots at the end of the cycle.

He usually pauses the machine and manually adds water to the tub so the water at least covers the load in the tub.

Does anyone have any advice on how to make the levels higher so the results will be better?


Post# 1047436 , Reply# 1   10/11/2019 at 08:31 (1,750 days old) by Yogitunes (New Jersey)        

yogitunes's profile picture
presuming he has the Bravos X, not the XL....

there is not much you can do to make the machine add more water...outside of pouring a gallon or two of water over the dry load before starting the washer, it will trick the machine into thinking the load is larger/heavier...

but yeah, about the only thing you can do with one of these is add water manually after the machine has completed filling.....

some people mention of a load having dry spots on clothing after the cycle is complete...what their not thinking is the spin speed RPM's can actually extract a fair amount of water out of clothing causing dry spots, which may lead one to think the load never got wet in the first place...

using the Bulky cycle at times can add too much water...causing the clothing to float around during agitation, diluting the detergent, and not getting an effective wash out of the cycle....

not fully effective on saving time/energy....but a lot of times it was better to wash smaller loads in this style machine...

depending on the year....of the Bravos/Cabrio I have had both, the XL was the better of the two models....more water used, larger capacity, and the waterfall sprinkler which also saturated the load completely...

Post# 1047439 , Reply# 2   10/11/2019 at 09:41 (1,750 days old) by Frigilux (The Minnesota Prairie)        

frigilux's profile picture
I ran into dry spots on clothes with a Frigidaire Immersion Care top-loader which were definitely caused by air currents during the lengthy final spin. The dry spots were startling initially, so I watched to make sure the load had become fully wet; it always was.

I even run into it occasionally with the Speed Queen top-loader when dress shirts are exposed to the air currents during the final spin. And we know those loads are fully wet during the cycle!

Also saw dry spots often with the Maytag 8100 front-loader.

At any rate, the guy should check to make sure everything in the Bravos has gotten wet at the end of the rinse portion of the cycle. If so, the final spin is causing the dry spots.

Post# 1047442 , Reply# 3   10/11/2019 at 10:53 (1,750 days old) by stevet (West Melbourne, FL)        
has the XL

Turns out it is the Bravos XL machine. It seems that the machine just does not have any real turnover and the load never gets fully submerged. It does work better when he adds the extra water but still not totally acceptable.

The load is comprised of 5 pairs of work pants and work shirts all 100% fire resistant cotton and 5 pairs of socks. Just in case this is significant.
At 5.3 cu.ft capacity, would this be considered overloading the washer?

Post# 1047444 , Reply# 4   10/11/2019 at 11:13 (1,750 days old) by combo52 (50 Year Repair Tech Beltsville,Md)        
Overloaded Washer ?

combo52's profile picture

What is his waist size and inseam ?, unless he is very large it does not sound like an overload situation.


John L.

Post# 1047451 , Reply# 5   10/11/2019 at 12:03 (1,750 days old) by DADoES (TX, U.S. of A.)        

dadoes's profile picture
This is a VMAX model with an F&P-style motor but a mode shifter instead of the floating-basket design.

The water level sensor is an electronic pressure transducer integrated into the control board, has no adjustment.

There's only one pump and Whirlpool doesn't use reversing pumps so it doesn't have recirculation

Here are some videos of MVWB835DW from Kirk Rivas' YouTube channel (an appliance dealer in Austin TX).

Your co-worker's loads are a bit larger with the shirts and socks added ... but the 2nd video below has the 5 jeans fully submerged.  Is that not what he's getting?

5 Jeans, Deep Wash Cycle

5 Jeans, Bedding (Bulky) Cycle

Post# 1047453 , Reply# 6   10/11/2019 at 12:36 (1,750 days old) by mrb627 (Buford, GA)        
Loading Technique

mrb627's profile picture
Experience has found that proper loading is essential to getting proper turnover in these HE wash plate machines. If he is a dump and run kinda guy, that might be his main problem.


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