Thread Number: 80773  /  Tag: Modern Automatic Washers
Anti-Walk/ Anti-Slip feet for washer on concrete/ polyspartic floor
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Post# 1047615   10/13/2019 at 15:21 (1,924 days old) by dylanmitchell (Southern California)        

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Please share suggestions for anti-Walk/ anti-Slip feet for a SQ TL. We have a polyspartic coated concrete floor and the machine walks all over. We leveled it front to back and side to side using a bubble level. HP Spartacote Polyaspartic is similar to an epoxy floor but supposed to be more durable. We'd prefer bare concrete but the prior owner put in a big box store epoxy coating that was peeled off and we had to have that ground off and the polyspartic installed.

For the last year and a half, we used the vibration Solutions Sorbothane Anti-Vibration Pads but they've started to fall apart so we're looking for alternative solutions. The SQ TL AWNE92SP113TW01 feet disintegrated but the ones on the SQ Dryer ADGE9RGS113TW01 are just starting to split. The Sorbothane feet pads kept the machine from walking but we didn't notice much reduction in vibration.

Vibration solutions do advertise a 10-year warranty but we haven't been able to reach them, through their support e-mail and their phone rep took our info but no one has called back.

Post# 1047617 , Reply# 1   10/13/2019 at 15:53 (1,924 days old) by henene4 (Heidenheim a.d. Brenz (Germany))        

On such small purchases, 10 year warrantys are basicly always just show off and there is no realistic way to ever claim them in a reasonable manner...

Thing is that those feet never reduce vibration in the machine, just reduce transfered vibration to the floor and thus don't do much about your issue.

In your specific situation (solid floor with no give that is verry slippery) a TL has the one great downside that all vibrations produce horizontal forces moving the machine paralel to the floor.
A FL would here probably pose less of a slipping issue.

Dunno about those coatings, but there are solutions to anchor machine feet in place on concrete rizers.
They basicly grib the machine feet and drill right into the floor.
Hard measure, but sure as hell works.

Post# 1047667 , Reply# 2   10/14/2019 at 07:21 (1,923 days old) by combo52 (50 Year Repair Tech Beltsville,Md)        
Walking SQ TL Washer

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SQ sells oversized anti-walk rubber pads that fit either the TL or FL washers, if necessary you can even put a little spot of glue under them.


John L.

Post# 1047813 , Reply# 3   10/15/2019 at 20:46 (1,922 days old) by dylanmitchell (Southern California)        
SQ sells oversized anti-walk rubber pads where to buy?

dylanmitchell's profile picture
Thanks, know anyone that sells the SQ sells oversized anti-walk rubber pads? Also, think full-size anti-slip may could help. Riser mounted into concrete would definitely work but like to try a few more things before I start drilling into concrete.

CLICK HERE TO GO TO dylanmitchell's LINK

Post# 1047819 , Reply# 4   10/16/2019 at 00:51 (1,922 days old) by MattL (Flushing, MI)        

How about a heavy rubber mat?

Post# 1047827 , Reply# 5   10/16/2019 at 05:56 (1,921 days old) by mrb627 (Buford, GA)        
Like Fill Hoses...

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Rubber feet will dry out and become brittle over time.
Should be inspected and replaced at regular intervals.


Post# 1048241 , Reply# 6   10/20/2019 at 15:04 (1,917 days old) by dylanmitchell (Southern California)        
Going to try a rubber mat

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Going to try heavy rubber Washer/Dryer Mats. They're 28" x 34" and my machines are 25 5/8 "x 28". Also looked at rubber cal mats large enough to cover both machines. Most of these mats are made out of old truck tires. Rubber flooring inc says they use a part of the tire that doesn't have metal and run magnets by to get metal out that finds it's way into the mix. Any of these rubber mats would probably work.

I was reluctant to get a mat because it's going to be tricking to install in the alcove were the washer dryer sits. But I need to pull the machines out anyway so I can clean the dryer ducting, check connections, and clean the floor before the rubber mats go down.

Rubber feet do dry out and do need to be inspected.

CLICK HERE TO GO TO dylanmitchell's LINK

Post# 1048244 , Reply# 7   10/20/2019 at 15:20 (1,917 days old) by easy (Boston, Mass)        
LG anti-slip squares

I don't know what these are called, but they came with my LG front loader. They have a peel-off back and stick to the floor under the front feet. The machine hasn't moved in 6 months, unlike my previous machine (top loader).

I know Loraine Furniture has tested a number of LG front loaders on Youtube. He may know how to order them or perhaps he has some extras hanging around.

Post# 1048247 , Reply# 8   10/20/2019 at 15:53 (1,917 days old) by Logixx (Germany)        

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A German Youtuber testes these anti-vibration mats. The washer is forced to spin towels bunched up in a T-shirt at 800 rpm. First run is the washer by itself, then on an anti-vibration mat and then with a dryer stacked on top.

Post# 1048253 , Reply# 9   10/20/2019 at 17:48 (1,917 days old) by combo52 (50 Year Repair Tech Beltsville,Md)        

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The oversized SQ rubber pads have sticky stuff on then, you peel off the protective paper and install of a clean floor.


There are a very good quality material that will not dry out in the next 50 years.


John L.

Post# 1048323 , Reply# 10   10/21/2019 at 13:53 (1,916 days old) by dylanmitchell (Southern California)        

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Thanks for the comments.

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